10 Home Remedies For Arthritis And Joint Pain

Whenever applying ice, remember that it must be wrapped in a cloth or something similar so that it does not cause burns. Place it on the affected joint for 15 minutes and rest another 30 minutes.
10 Home Remedies for Arthritis and Joint Pain

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints, characterized by pain, swelling, deformity and/or stiffness.

It usually appears on the knees, fingers and toes, wrists, and elbows and shoulders. But it can also cause pain in the neck, back or hip.

The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that usually appears in old age. While rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic and degenerative problem that, in addition to affecting the joints of the fingers, wrists, knees and feet, also affects the muscles and other tissues of the body.

This problem is more common in women than in men, and 80% of people who have it are over 50 years old.

While people with arthritis or symptoms of the disease should see a doctor, there are some natural remedies that can help alleviate joint pain and symptoms.

Home Remedies for Arthritis and Joint Pain

1. Fish oil or flaxseed

Omega 3 fatty acid, found in fish or flaxseeds, is effective in treating arthritis and joint pain.

This is because it is a component capable of reducing inflammation and cartilage wear.

2. Salon

One of the foods that cannot be lacking in a healthy diet to relieve inflammation is celery.

This food is characterized by its diuretic and detoxifying properties.

In addition, it remineralizes and detoxifies the body, purifies the blood, improves digestion, lowers blood pressure, relieves joint pain and has properties that help prevent cancer.

To enjoy all its benefits, it is important to consume it in juices, infusions and salads.

3. Eucalyptus

the arthritis

It is characterized by its analgesic, antirheumatic and depurative properties. In addition, it has a calming effect against inflammation.

It should be consumed in the form of a tea, applied in compresses or as an essential oil.

4. nettle

This plant has depurative properties. Also, it helps relieve arthritis symptoms.

It can be consumed in salads, added to vitamins and even its tincture can be extracted by maceration of some leaves in half a liter of 90ยบ alcohol for 10 days.

The dye obtained can be rubbed on the affected region between 2 or 3 times a day.

5. Ginger

the arthritis

Ginger is known for its potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic benefits.

As such, it can be used topically to reduce the pain and swelling caused by arthritis.

In addition, including ginger in the diet helps to reduce pain caused by inflammatory diseases in any of their manifestations.

In this case, it is recommended to prepare a ginger tea, placing a root in a liter of boiling water.

6. Turmeric

Turmeric is another powerful natural anti-inflammatory that can help us alleviate joint pain.

Therefore, to use this natural remedy, you must dilute half a spoonful of turmeric in a glass of boiling water. Take this mixture twice a day.

7. Garlic

Garlic is a food with anti-inflammatory, cleansing and detoxifying properties, among others.

To treat arthritis there are different options. The first is to consume three cloves of raw garlic a day.

Another option is to mash a garlic and apply it directly to the area that hurts.

Finally, you can also mash a garlic, mix it with the juice of a lemon, and drink it on an empty stomach the next day.

8. Blonde

the arthritis

To alleviate joint pain and inflammation, prepare a laurel infusion.

First, bring a liter of water to a boil. When it comes to the boil, add 10 grams of bay leaves and let it boil for another 5 minutes.

After the infusion is ready, let it rest and apply it still warm on the affected region, using a cotton cloth.

Keep in the affected region for 2 minutes. Repeat the treatment at least 5 times.

9. Cold water packs

They are helpful in reducing joint swelling and inflammation.

The ideal is to apply an ice pack directly on the affected joint, leaving it to act for 15 minutes with a 30-minute rest between treatments.

10. Hot water

To do this therapy, you can use a wet heat pack or a warm towel.

Ideally, apply directly to the painful area to help reduce inflammation. In addition, it provides a calming effect.

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