10 Natural Remedies To Eliminate Warts From Your Body

Warts are caused by the human papilloma virus. They are usually harmless. However, find out how to eliminate them below.
10 Natural Remedies to Eliminate Warts from Your Body

Warts are an unpleasant change in the skin caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). They are generally harmless, but because of their appearance they are considered to be aesthetically ugly.

This problem usually appears in areas of the body such as the breasts, armpits, neck, eyelids, hands and feet. They are rarely painful, but they are all very contagious, as a skin contact is enough to trigger a transfer of the virus.

Although the most common treatment to eliminate warts is cauterization, there are also other options that can be very useful, and, above all, cost-effective.


Lemon juice has antiseptic and antiviral properties that can help eliminate warts. Just apply it to the affected area several times a day and keep the treatment regular to get results.

Sodium bicarbonate

Baking soda to eliminate warts

The properties of baking soda can also help us get rid of warts naturally. So, the ideal is to mix it with a little white vinegar and apply directly to the affected area.

Apple vinegar

This product stands out for its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Thanks to them, apple cider vinegar becomes a good ally to fight annoying warts. In this sense, you should soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and place it over the affected area. Then cover it with a bandage or tape and leave overnight.


Garlic to remove warts

Garlic is one of the best ingredients to fight and remove warts from the skin. Thanks to its properties, this ingredient can help us fight the viruses and bacteria that cause warts. In this case, the ideal is to consume garlic, preferably raw. You must also apply it directly to the affected site. Crush it, place the paste over the wart and cover it with a bandage, leaving it on the skin overnight.

aloe vera

Aloe vera has stood out for centuries for its properties to treat and alleviate different skin-related disorders. Furthermore, it is very effective in the case of warts. In this way, simply extract the aloe vera gel and apply it to the affected area several times a day.

onion juice

Like garlic, onions are a great treatment to fight warts and the viruses that cause them. Therefore, you should cut the onion into pieces, leave it overnight in a container with salt, and the next day, extract its juice. Apply directly to the affected site every night and follow the treatment for 12 days. After this period, you will notice the results.

Tea tree or tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a product used for different therapeutic purposes, including the treatment of warts. In this case, the recommendation is to apply the oil directly to the affected area, several times a day. It should be used in small amounts as it is a very strong product.

dandelion stalk

Dandelion Home Remedy To Eliminate Warts

This home remedy is ideal for warts that appear on the neck or near the face. Use the dandelion stalk milky extract, which should be applied directly to the warts every day.

Castor oil

Castor oil and its properties can help us eliminate warts from the skin in less than 4 weeks. In short, you must mix a little baking powder with castor oil until it forms a viscous paste. This paste should be applied directly to the affected site and covered with a bandage or tape.

Vitamin C

Thanks to its acidic pH, vitamin C can be very effective in fighting nasty warts. Ideally, make a paste with a crushed vitamin C tablet and a little water. Apply it directly to the affected area, let it act for 20 minutes and repeat the procedure daily.

  • These natural wart treatments can be very effective when applied consistently, preferably several times a day.
  • In no way try to extract the wart yourself by cutting it, burning it, pulling it out or any similar method. If the wart is bothering you too much, see a doctor so he can do the proper procedure.

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