10 Tips To Save On Marriage

While there are some aspects, like the bride’s dress, that we don’t want to skimp on, there are certainly other elements that we can save on if we make the right choices.
10 tips to save on marriage

It is possible to save on the wedding and have the party of your dreams with a little time and creativity. You can even enjoy more the preparations as a couple and with some relatives.

However, you need to make smart decisions, make a list, and distinguish what you can save money on and what you can’t. With good organization, you can get a fantastic and economical wedding.

10 tips to save on your wedding and live the best party of your life

1. Time

The first thing is to think about the date of the ceremony and not let the anxiety of living this moment conquer you. Therefore, it is advisable to have enough time to organize with ease. If they decide to get married in a month, they will almost certainly spend twice as much money.

Having several months in advance makes it possible, on the one hand, to save money from monthly salaries. On the other hand, you can compare vendors, look for cost-effective ideas, and prepare things in-house. It is not difficult to make certain elements for the wedding and thus save money when buying them.

2. Save on weddings, lower demand, lower prices

Like tourist places, ceremonials also change their prices according to the season. Honestly speaking, the gap is usually quite wide and it’s a great way to save money on your wedding.

Thus, finding a date in the low season favors the reduction of expenses on buffets and other services. When there is not so much demand, there are special offers or packages that we can take advantage of. Furthermore, it is clear that the attention and quality are exactly the same as in other most requested months.

3. The right guests

Ways to save on weddings: invite the right amount of people

The guest list is one of the topics you need to see and review several times before sending out invitations. One of the biggest expenses comes from food, drink and attention to the participants. So you can save a lot more than you think by reducing the number of guests.

A big mistake is to write down all the people you have any kind of relationship with, however minimal. Try to cut the relatives you haven’t seen in more than 20 years from this date. Some you don’t even know well, but it feels like an obligation to add them.

You have to be mindful and narrow the list down to relatives and friends who really like this connection you have. In addition, an intimate night allows you to save money on your wedding and celebrate with those who are always around.

4. Household prints

Hiring graphic design companies to make the invitations, acknowledgments and others requires a high budget. Decreasing these values ​​by half or even less is as simple as sitting at your computer and clicking “print”.

There are hundreds or thousands of templates on the internet to get inspired and make your own invitations. Even the couple can customize them as much as they want together.

Ways to save on weddings: homemade invitations

5. More economical costumes

Depending on the couple’s personality and lifestyle, they can save on the wedding by limiting the amount of money earmarked for costumes. The groom may never wear the suit again, in which case a rent is sufficient. Thus, it will remain in the photos and not kept in a closet.

As for the bride, there are wedding dress companies that have very economical models. The trend is to choose on the internet and compare house prices. Furthermore, the price difference that can be found in dresses of similar quality, albeit without much popularity, seems incredible.

6. The decoration

Recycling old or seemingly useless elements, such as glass jars and bottles, is a very economical trend. With them we can get elegant, simple and cheap decorative features. Ask your closest family members for help and let everyone start putting away the containers and then work on them.

There are also great wedding fairs or decoration places to visit where you can get beautiful and practical products. With the help of the internet, it is very easy to find ideas for all tastes.

7. The wedding flowers

Ways to save on the wedding: get prices on flowers

Flowers are very present at parties and have a high visual impact in each sector. To save on the wedding, it is advisable to choose seasonal flowers and avoid imports. The costs, among them, vary a lot and the result can be the same with good arrangements.

Another way to make flowers cheaper is to reuse them. When the civil or religious ceremony is over, the couple’s parents can remove these flowers and take them to the ceremony. Putting them there, in the corners in pots ready to receive them, is quick and subtle.

8. Wedding Cake

The idea is to have a symbolic and simple cake with which to take the photo and make the first cut. Afterwards, to serve, the waiters take you to the kitchen and there you can have other homemade cakes. Of course, this is easy if there is someone in the family willing to prepare them the day before.

  • The sweet table is also a way to complement the cake and there are different varieties that can be prepared at home with help. Thus, it is not necessary to spend twice as much or more hiring suppliers.

9. The alliances

Traditional wedding rings are gold, and the higher the carat weight the better. However, this custom has changed over the years. There are beautiful rings on the market, made of other materials, such as silver, which save a lot of money on the wedding.

10. The car

Renting a limousine or a special car to take the bride to the location is a possible detail to avoid. After all, there is always a friend or family member who lends his car for the occasion. The only expense will be to decorate the same with a large bouquet, ribbons, and problem solved.

Finally, how much money do you think you can save on your wedding by following these tips? It is certainly much more, and without leaving out any details.

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