11 Unknown Uses Of Vick Vaporub

In addition to relieving nasal congestion, this ointment soothes muscle pain. It has cosmetic uses and acts as a repellent. Learn more about its utilities!
11 Unknown Uses of Vick Vaporub

Vick Vaporub is a product that we initially use to relieve cough and nasal congestion. It has among its main ingredients camphor, menthol and eucalyptus, and there are many unknown uses of Vick Vaporub that we are not taking advantage of in our daily lives.

In this article we will talk about some utilities that might interest you.

Unknown uses of Vick Vaporub

1. It is an insect repellent

Natural insect repellent

This product is a great insect repellent. Just leave the bottle open and you’ll see the effect is immediate. Mosquitoes and flies will automatically move away. If you don’t have repellent at home, don’t worry because Vick will be just as effective.

2. Relieves headache

Thanks to the menthol it contains, it is able to relieve pressure and reduce headaches. Just apply a little on your forehead.

3. It’s a good exfoliant

Vick Vaporub Scrub

The best thing is that, before going to bed, you use this product on your heels and then put on socks. The next day you should wash your feet in cold water and exfoliate using a pumice stone. Repeat this process for several days to notice the results.

4. Helps reduce abdomen volume

To lose measurements in the abdomen, mix a spoonful of ground camphor, a spoonful of alcohol, another spoonful of baking soda, and half a bottle of Vick Vaporub. Before exercising, apply this mixture to your abdomen or the area you want to treat.

Then wrap the region with film. Let the mixture act for a few minutes and remove with plenty of water. If you do this two to three times a week, you will quickly notice a difference as it works like a slimming cream.

5. Prevent your pets from approaching the furniture

clean leather furniture

If this happens frequently, you can prevent your pets from getting close to the furniture simply and quickly. Just put some of this product in the regions where you don’t want your pet to urinate.

It will be effective because both cats and dogs hate its smell.

6. Reduces stretch marks

Another of the unknown uses of Vick Vaporub is the fact that it is able to reduce stretch marks. To obtain this effect, you will have to apply it directly on these skin tags, and in just 15 days you will be able to considerably attenuate them.

7. Fights nail fungus

Beautiful and healthy nails

If you have nail fungus, you can solve this problem with this ointment. Just apply it on the affected nails and put on socks. The next day, wash and cut your nails. Repeat this process until you notice an improvement.

8. Reduces bruises

If you have bruises on your body, you can soften your appearance by applying this product. They will disappear much faster.

9. Relieves ear pain


You can ease the pain in your ears by rubbing some of this ointment on a cotton pad and applying it over your ear. Allow the substance to penetrate and repeat the process until you can go to the doctor, as this solution only serves to temporarily calm the discomfort.

10. Improves acne

Thanks to this product, you will be able to take care of your skin if you suffer from acne. Apply a little on the pimples and blackheads and you will notice a very quick improvement. To get a better effect, it is recommended to apply it before going to sleep.

11. Relieves muscle and back pain

Muscle aches

The last of Vick Vaporub’s unknown uses is its ability to relax muscles that are tense. To achieve this effect, massage the area in question until relief begins.

Before doing all this, make sure you do not have any allergic reaction to this product. To do this, apply a small amount to the skin and, if you feel a burning sensation or notice redness, do not use it.

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