3 Homemade Dry Cough Syrups

A dry cough can cause great discomfort, as it is a cough without phlegm that is not expectorated. In this article, we present some homemade syrups that help alleviate discomfort.
3 homemade syrups for dry cough

Today we want to present some recipes for homemade syrups for dry cough. In these cases, the objective is to solve a problem without causing another, so the best alternatives are natural ones.

When we talk about dry cough, we are referring to one that does not have phlegm. It is a reaction that  occurs when the body detects some foreign element in the throat or airways. In this way, this compensation works by clearing the area. Therefore, to eliminate it, we must help our body.

However,  if it occurs frequently, the ideal is to go to the doctor. If it is a symptom of allergy, asthma, pneumonia or other serious conditions, it is advisable to take the relevant tests to find out what is happening. Later, you can complement the treatment with alternative therapies or, if it’s something as mild as a cold, you have the option of using only natural options.

If you still don’t know the cause, despite having gone to the doctor’s appointment,  think about whether there is an emotional factor that is affecting you. Some people convert stressful situations into a dry cough. In this case, syrups will be effective, but the ideal would be to resort to other alternatives as well, such as psychotherapy or yoga.

However, if you suspect this may be happening to you, we recommend that you try the classic hot milk with honey. In addition to soothing your throat, this will help you get better rest.

Homemade dry cough syrups

1. Ginger, honey and lemon syrup

All three ingredients are potent antibacterials, but honey and ginger also have the benefit of considerably relieving pain.


  • 3 lemon slices (45 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (20 g)
  • 3 ginger slices (50 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)


  • Boil water with lemon slices and ginger.
  • Add honey.
  • Wait fifteen minutes.
  • Place the preparation in a glass container.
  • Store in refrigerator.

This remedy will remain in good condition for two months. Take 2 or 3 tablespoons a day until relieved. People who cough chronically can take it whenever they want, without any problem. None of the elements are harmful to health.

2. Anise, chamomile and clove syrup

The properties of each of these elements are perfect for dry cough. All three are  strong fights against bacteria and are great pain relievers. In addition, they also prevent the spasms that cause this problem. Want to know how it’s done?


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 chamomile bag
  • 1/2 tablespoon of anise (5 g)
  • 2 carnations


  • Boil water with chamomile
  • Add the carnations and anise
  • wait 7 minutes
  • coe

As in the previous case, it can be kept  easily and for a long time. Likewise, you won’t have any problems if you take it 2 or 3 times a day until the dry cough disappears. As they are natural products, they do not cause side effects, unless you have any intolerance or allergy.

3. Cayenne pepper, ginger and apple cider vinegar

At other times we talk about the ability of apple cider vinegar to eliminate infectious elements. It’s the same with cayenne pepper. Spicy foods act with great force on them.  Therefore, we suggest this peculiar homemade syrup.


  • 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper (1.5 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (1 g)
  • 1/4 teaspoon of powdered ginger (1.5 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of water (20 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (10 g)

In this case, just mix everything and take one spoon a day. You will notice an improvement sooner than you think. In general, the taste is not pleasant, but think of this syrup in the same way you would think of commercial medicines. You take them despite your taste, because you know they’re good. Give it a chance.

Every body is different; even with the same disease, our reactions are different. In this sense, it is interesting to test the different alternatives of homemade syrups for dry cough for several days.

This way, you will know which one is most suitable for you and, thus, you will be able to better enjoy its advantages.

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