4 Recipes For Mashed Potatoes And Steamed Vegetables

Discover ingenious and super easy ways to prepare some varieties of steamed vegetables, accompanied by a delicious mashed potatoes. 
4 recipes for mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables

In this article we want to share some recipes for mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables. This dish is a healthy option, rich in carbohydrates, potassium and vitamin B5.

Maintaining a healthy life is important to your physical and emotional well-being. That’s why we’re interested in offering you recipe options that are healthy, easy to make and always delicious.

Combining the mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables, you get a delicious dish that you can enjoy alone or with your favorite sides.

Recipes for steamed mashed potatoes and vegetables

1. Mashed potatoes with celery

Mashed potatoes with celery

Let’s start by making a special preparation of mashed potatoes with a touch of celery. In itself,  mashed potatoes is a meal that we all love,  but it never hurts to give it a special flavor.


  • Salt to taste.
  • 1 bag of potatoes (500 g).
  • 1 celery (300g).
  • 1 bottle of whole milk (150 ml).
  • 1 tablet of butter (125 g).


  1. Wash the potatoes well and place them with their skins in water in a pan.
  2. Add a little salt and cook for 30 minutes.
  3. While the potatoes are cooking, peel the celery and cut into pieces. Put to cook for 20 minutes.
  4. Remove the potatoes from the water and peel them while they are still hot.
  5. Mix the potatoes and celery and pass them through the juicer until very thin cream.
  6. Put this cream in a pan and add the butter.
  7. Heat over low heat, stirring constantly.
  8. Put the milk on the fire and, before it starts to boil, add it to the cream.

Ready! You already have your delicious puree with a touch of celery. You can use other vegetables, but  remember that it’s still a puree, not a cream.

Now that we have our mashed potatoes and know how to vary it, we’ll continue with the steamed vegetable varieties to go with it.

2. Steamed vegetables with gratin cheese

Steamed vegetables with cheese au gratin

With this simple dish, you only consume about 60 calories per serving.


  • 1 pack of Oaxaca cheese (250 g).
  • 1 small cup of sweet corn (125 g).
  • 3 carrots (60 g).
  • 1 broccoli (300 g).


  1. Wash and disinfect vegetables well.
  2. Cut the vegetables into small pieces.
  3. Gather all ingredients in aluminum foil and wrap.
  4. Cook the vegetables in a pan over medium heat for 20 minutes.

Serve these steamed vegetables with your mashed potatoes to accompany white meat or pasta.

3. Breast stuffed with steamed vegetables

Breast stuffed with steamed vegetables

Here we incorporate the stuffed chicken breast with our steamed vegetables and mashed potatoes.

Ingredients (for one serving)

  • Variety of vegetables to taste (to be steamed).
  • Chicken breast fillets (250 g).
  • Toasted ground bread (300 g).
  • Ham (200 g).
  • 1 egg (60 g).


  1. Put as much ham and cheese as you like on the sliced ​​breast.
  2. Once the breast is full, roll over a scrambled egg in a bowl several times. Then, pass the toasted bread.
  3. Fry your chicken breasts in a pan with a little oil.
  4. At the end, dry them well and serve them with the steamed vegetables and mashed potatoes. Enjoy your food!

4. Steamed salmon with buttered vegetables

Steamed salmon with vegetables in butter

We found this dish and we just loved it. It’s incredibly easy to prepare, very delicious and nutritious. Now, we want to let you know that the recipe includes a holy sheet (Piper auritum).

This is an herb that is usually found in Mexico. You can look for it in health, spice, and herbal stores.

But don’t worry if you don’t find it. Steamed salmon is delicious, even without the holy leaf. Try it!


  • St. Mary’s Weed Sprigs
  • 1/4 of onion (55 g).
  • 1/4 salmon (55 g).
  • 5 holy leaves (10 g).
  • 1 red tomato (220 g).
  • Butter and salt (to taste).


  1. Cover the salmon with butter evenly. Place a holy sheet in aluminum foil and place the salmon on top.
  2. Cut the onion into julienne and mix the salmon together with the sprigs of St. Mary’s wort. If you like, you can add a few drops of beef or chicken broth.
  3. Cover the salmon with the holy leaves using aluminum foil.
  4. Place in a very hot skillet and leave for 15 minutes, or when steam starts to come out of the aluminum foil.
  5. Now serve with the mashed potatoes and enjoy.

Did you like these recipes for mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables? We’re sure you and your family will love the taste!

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