4 Self-exams That Could Save Your Life

An early diagnosis is always essential to be able to act in time and prevent the disease from progressing to more severe stages.

Cancer is one of the most fatal diseases worldwide each year and many of the cases could have been avoided with early detection and self-examination.

Unfortunately, although there have been many advances and technology facilitates the transmission of information, many people are still  unaware of everything related to this type of disease, including its risks and early symptoms.

Since timely detection of some abnormalities in the body is essential for timely treatment of cancer and other chronic diseases, today we  are going to share the 4 life-saving self-exams that you can perform at home.

1. Breast self-examination

The breast or breast self-examination is one of the methods that every woman should know to detect a possible tumor in time.

Currently, it is already possible for a large number of women around the world to undergo this exam regularly, which allows for the opportune detection of strange lumps in the breasts.

Breast self-exams

The best time to perform this breast exam is exactly 7 days after the menstrual period,  because at that time the breasts will not have the sensitivity and inflammation that appear with menstruation.

How to make?

  • To facilitate self-examination, place your face down with your right hand behind your head.
  • Then, with the middle fingers of your left hand, press gently but firmly, making small movements to examine your right breast.
  • Then, sitting or standing, also examine the armpit, as the breast tissue extends to this part of the body.
  • Gently press the nipples to check for any secretions. Repeat the procedure on the left breast.
  • Stand in front of a mirror, arms down, and observe the breasts looking for any type of change in their texture, such as dimples, wrinkles, wrinkles, or skin that looks like an orange peel.
  • Also watch carefully to see if the nipple is sunken.

2. From the oral cavity

The signs that appear in the mouth should be a warning sign for anyone, as they can range from periodontitis to mouth cancer.

Gum problems, bleeding or sores and lumps inside the mouth are enough signs to know something is wrong.

It is also advisable to examine the lips inside and out, using your fingers to detect lumps.

3. From the skin

Skin Self-Exams

This type of self-examination consists of a regular review of the skin in order to detect possible tumors or unusual changes.

It is important to know that the earlier you are diagnosed with skin cancer , the more likely you are to fight it.

As in the case of the breast, it is advisable to perform this exam once a month, as a method of prevention. For this, the ideal is to have a large mirror to facilitate observation of the whole body.

When doing this self-examination, you should look for changes in the skin, such as :

  • Soft spots that appear or grow suddenly, asymmetrically shaped, strange colors, or jagged edges.
  • Red spots.
  • Lumps or ulcers.

4. When urinating

Urine has a lot to say about health and, best of all, it can serve as a self-examination every day and at any time.

Urinating more than eight or ten times a day is a sure sign that something is wrong with your bladder ; for example, it could be a bladder, prostate, or kidney problem.

This simple test can rule out the possibility that it is a sign of a neurological problem or spinal injury.

Urine self-examination

But of course, the frequent urge to urinate is completely normal when a lot of fluid has been ingested.

It is very important to note the color of the urine and also to take into account its smell. When the urine is too dark it can indicate a urinary tract infection or dehydration.

If you notice any bleeding, it could be a sign of possible cancer, though not always.

If the odor is very strong, it could indicate that there is some kind of kidney problem.

In any of these cases, it  is best to consult your doctor for a pertinent examination and proper treatment.

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