5 Characteristics Of Empathic People

Empathic people are able to listen without intending to replicate, just to get to know those around them. They are not interested in always being right, because they know that everyone has a story.
5 characteristics of empathic people

This is a very useful social skill to get along with our surroundings. Check out 5 characteristics of empathic people.

Empathic people have the ability to put themselves in the other person’s situation and see things from their point of view. Through empathy, we can connect deeply with those around us.

Although it is a unique ability of human beings, not all of us develop it easily. There are those who are very empathetic by nature, without any major efforts. Others need to work harder to get connected in this way.

Next, we’ll tell you about the main characteristics of empathic people.

5 characteristics of empathic people

1. Pay attention to what other people say

Empathic people listen to every word in a conversation. However, the difference between them and other people is that they listen with real attention.

An empathetic person will not just listen to you to respond, but will be genuinely interested in what you have to say.

Though it may seem like a minor thing, listening carefully is a gift you give your listener and is a difficult skill to adopt.

Most of us don’t pay real attention.

The most common is listening to formulate an answer and debate. The problem with this is that the connections we form with others aren’t always so solid.

On the other hand, empathic people will respond to what you tell them with their whole body.

It’s easy to see that they’re listening to what you’re telling them by their gestures, energy, and posture.

2. Empathic people value curiosity

Characteristics of empathetic people

When we are children, we are given the idea that asking too much is bad, but the reality is very different.

While it’s true that there are things you shouldn’t ask until you reach a certain degree of confidence, that doesn’t mean you should never ask anything.

Empathic people do not believe in this paradigm. They let themselves be carried away by this curiosity they feel about customs, experiences and any knowledge that the person presents.

And there’s no better way to connect with someone than asking them about your life and showing real interest in everything they have to tell you.

So the next time you talk to someone, ask them about their interests, dreams and goals. This exercise will help you develop empathy as it forces you to see reality from the other person’s perspective.

3. Put your judgments and opinions to the test

Empathetic people, when talking to someone who does not share their way of life, do not shut themselves off from listening, nor do they take their opinion as an absolute truth. Instead, they listen, ask and question.

They understand that there is no single solution for everything and that everyone has their reasons. For them, they are not interested in reasoning above all. In reality, they prefer to debate and exchange opinions.

At the end of this whole process, it is not uncommon for them to change their minds or to adapt theirs a little. But don’t get confused, they don’t do it to please each other.

If they change their opinions, it is because they believe that the change is really valid.

To be more empathetic, try to talk to people who think differently than you on certain topics. Listen to their opinions and share your ideas.

The most important thing in this process is that you don’t try to convince anyone that your ideas are the right ones, just listen.

4. Measure your language

empathetic people

The language you use is just as important as the act of listening. Empathetic people understand that the word is a weapon that can save or hurt someone, so they are very careful about what they say.

When they speak, they do so without judging, ordering or pointing. Even before giving advice, they ask if they can give it.

Sometimes we don’t know how to differentiate between helping and bossing. So when you’re talking to someone who is down, say phrases like “I can’t imagine how you feel” or “How can I help you?”

That way, the person will feel that you really understand him and that you are not judging him.

5. They understand that each person must be treated differently

Empathetic people understand that the phrase “treat everyone the same” is not a rule, as not everyone likes to be treated the same.

Being empathetic is putting pride and pride aside and accepting that there is more than one way to be right. We must remember that we are all different and have different needs.

Sometimes we judge someone just by an attitude or situation, not thinking that there is a story that determines their reactions. This experience may be meaningless to you, but for other people it can be emotionally charged.

This doesn’t mean that empathetic people don’t make decisions or say what they want. On the contrary: they explain what they feel or want, but with respect for their interlocutor.

With that in mind, do you believe you are an empathetic person? Or that you still need to develop this feature?

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