5 Good Tips To Stop Hiccups

Although this is a condition that usually goes away on its own, we can speed up the disappearance of hiccups with conventional remedies. If it lasts for several days, it is advisable to see a doctor.
5 good tips to stop hiccups

A hiccup attack can be very uncomfortable. We can’t speak a complete sentence without the funny “hip” in the middle, which slips out at any moment and we can’t help it. But  there are many techniques that work to get rid of hiccups,  and in this article we’ll share some of them.

What is hiccup and why does it occur?

Hiccups occur when the diaphragm (the muscle underneath the lungs) contracts involuntarily. Thus, there is a sudden flow of air that, when passing through the vocal cords, causes the characteristic “hip” sound.

The hiccup may not have an apparent cause, or it  may occur especially when you do any of the following things:

  • Drink soda or other fizzy drinks;
  • Eat a lot;
  • Swallows too fast;
  • Has a fit of laughing or crying;
  • Eat spicy things;
  • It exposes itself to sudden changes in temperature.

In most cases, the hiccups go away spontaneously after a few minutes, without doing anything. However, if you want to get rid of the problem faster or if it persists for a long time, here are some tricks that can work:

Breathing into a paper bag

Take a paper bag and breathe repeatedly into it. This way you will increase your blood carbon dioxide level and this will make the hiccups stop. Therefore, other options that cause a similar effect can be as follows:

  • Take a large glass of ice water and swallow it without breathing;
  • Or, hold your breath as long as you can.

eat a slice of lemon

Take a slice of lemon and, if you have any, add a few drops of Angostura Bitter to it. In addition, you can also add a little sugar to improve the taste.

This can help because, when eating the slice, the body is distracted by the effect of acid on the taste buds and this relieves hiccups.

Stretch the diaphragm to stop hiccups

In order to get rid of the hiccup in this way,  you should inhale slowly until you feel that you can no longer draw in any more air  unless you start breathing from your abdomen. Hold this air for 30 seconds. Then exhale slowly until your lungs are completely empty.

You will likely have to repeat this exercise four or five times for the hiccups to go away.

Eat a tablespoon of almond paste

It can also work with a tablespoon of sugar, honey, cocoa butter, peanut butter or Nutella. 

So, take a spoon of one of these ingredients, put it in your mouth and leave it there for a few seconds. Then swallow the contents without chewing. By then the saliva will have softened the butter and will be easy to swallow.

Almond paste can help stop hiccups

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Use your thumbs and squeeze the small holes in front of the ear canal to close the entrance to the ears. Then close your eyes and suck in as much air as you can. Then, with your little fingers, close both nostrils.

Hold your breath for a few seconds: the longer the better. Let go of everything and then breathe normally. The body tends to breathe heavily or pant, forgetting about the hiccup. So this can be a way to stop the hiccup.

If hiccups persist for hours or even days, see a doctor. Although they are not frequent situations, hiccups can be caused by abdominal distension, noxious fumes or other causes. Also, remember that frequent hiccups are normal for babies.

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