5 Psychological Dimensions That Show You Need Time For Yourself

Remember that time dedicated to yourself should be quality time, not busy serving others or worrying. Set aside an hour a day to take care of yourself.
5 psychological dimensions that show you need time for yourself

You need time for yourself, but almost always dedicate it to those around you or invest you in situations that further intensify your sense of tiredness and anxiety.

As much as this surprises us, most people do not know how to rest properly.

Because dedicating time for yourself doesn’t mean that we need to go on vacation whenever stress overwhelms us, that a simple walk will solve the discomfort that, day after day, haunts us.

Investing in time for yourself implies, first of all, knowing how to “disconnect”, knowing how to erase the mental noise and establish a delicate but authentic union with our needs, with our thoughts, fears and emptiness in order to make decisions about our life.

Today, in our space, we want to explain how we can externalize this inner malaise, these psychological dimensions that reveal the need to invest a little more in ourselves.

You need time for yourself: 5 clues to consider

Something that often happens is that when the holidays come, many of us prepare trips, moments of leisure and getaways thinking that everything will be wonderful.

However, this supposed “rule of three” is not always fulfilled.

Getting out of the routine, in some cases, causes stress: travel, preparations, family gatherings, the need to plan what we are going to do to “use the time”.

Furthermore, an essential aspect is that this time for you, which would help you feel better at a given moment, is shared with other people: partner, children, family…

Believe it or not, we all need small periods of daily solitude. Sometimes something as simple as giving ourselves two hours a day is the best of vitamins. Let us now see which psychological dimensions show us that perhaps we have reached the limit of our strength.

broken-face woman

1. Bad mood and apathy

Each of us can go through times when everything bothers us, when we are not in a good mood and nothing attracts our interest. They can be specific moments or days, but the problem takes on another connotation when this sensation is prolonged until it becomes chronic.

We always get up with the feeling that we can’t face the day, that we’re going against the tide, that those around us have priorities that don’t fit with ours.

All these are, without a doubt, small brushstrokes that cause so much discomfort.

When bad moods become something we can’t let go of; it’s because something is going on inside us.

2. The feeling of not having time for anything

The phenomenon of lost time is a very common symptom associated with anxiety.

It’s not just about having the clear feeling that we’re not going to be able to do everything we have in mind, but we can also experience small periods of time, between half an hour and an hour, in which we don’t know what we did or what happened.

It is common to experience this in times of high stress and anxiety.

3. The self-perceived failure

Whatever we do, everything will go wrong. This loss of self-confidence makes us have the idea that nothing is under our control, that no matter how hard we try, nothing depends on us.

It’s a frustrating reality that reveals a clear indicator that something is happening, that we should pay more attention to ourselves. Prioritize yourself, take time for yourself.

4. Not feeling valued

We have already mentioned in the previous paragraphs: the world goes against the current and it seems that those around us prioritize themselves too much; taking it for granted that we will always be available to them.

This feeling of helplessness can be self-perceived or it can be real. Therefore, it is also necessary to know how to react and impose limits; because not feeling valued can end up causing us to develop depression.

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5. Psychosomatic symptoms

Not having time for ourselves, not having our own spaces where we can think, relax to start an internal conversation to discover our priorities and be able to think about what changes we can promote makes our bodies react and present:

  • Tachycardias
  • excessive tiredness
  • headaches
  • Indigestion
  • Insomnia

How to Start Dedicating Time to Yourself

Going on vacation is not enough. You don’t have to wait until Friday to be happy. Your best time is now.

  • Dedicating time for yourself is investing in health, it is a vital necessity as those who eat or dress every day. So, throughout the day, set an hour or two for yourself, exclusively.
  • This time with yourself should be of quality and, if possible, alone.
  • There are those who meditate, those who do yoga, or those who simply sit in front of a window and let out a long breath in deep calm.
  • This time for yourself is what you need to connect with your needs, to think about what you want and don’t want in your life.
  • Little by little, as you understand your priorities, you will make decisions. Because to be happy you need to be able to decide, to move forward without fear.

It is in your hands to be able to do this.

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