5 Reasons Why You Are Feeling Tired

Did you know that waking up late can make you even more tired than waking up early? We’ll tell you everything in the next article.
5 reasons why you are feeling tired

The reasons why you are feeling tired can be many. This feeling is usually due to lack of rest or the stress of everyday life, although at other times it may indicate something more serious.

It’s important to assess what makes you feel that way and try to resolve it. This tiredness can interfere with your daily activities and impair your performance at work.

Let’s delve into this subject.

Reasons why you are feeling tired

1. Getting up too late

woman getting up from bed

Many people believe that getting up later is like resting more, but that’s not how it works. A 2009 study by the University of Leipzig (Germany) shows that people who get up earlier are more proactive than those who don’t.

On the other hand, research carried out by a team at the Research Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences reveals that there are three types of people according to the dynamics of their biological clock.

2. Bad diet

Another possible reason why you are feeling tired could be a poor diet. According to the US National Library of Medicine, vitamin and mineral deficiencies can lead to fatigue.

In this case, it is important to establish a healthy and balanced diet, in which the necessary nutrients are consumed. Likewise, it is advisable to eliminate processed foods.

3. Sedentary pace of life

woman feeling tired of working

Doing nothing is very tiring. That’s right, leading a very sedentary life is not relaxing, as it can cause even more fatigue. Therefore,

This study by a team from the San Buenaventura University (Colombia) claims that sport increases energy levels, reduces stress and improves mood.

So, you can try walking every day for 30 minutes. The outdoor activities are very comforting and you can take advantage, if you participate in a group sport, to make friends.

If, because of the weather, it is not possible to go out or play sports in open areas, there is the option of enrolling in yoga, Pilates or swimming classes.

4. Not sleeping well

Woman feeling tired and unable to sleep

One of the main causes of fatigue is not getting enough hours of restful sleep. An adult person should sleep between 7 and 9 hours, according to the National Sleep Foundation .

In this way, the brain and the rest of the organs will be able to carry out their functions correctly. If you suffer from insomnia or do not sleep well, it is recommended that you see a doctor and let them know what is happening to you.

Likewise, try not to use your cell phone or computer hours before going to bed. At these times, it’s best to relax, try not to think about anything, and at most listen to some light music.

5. Stressful situations

Woman with headache due to tiredness

When a person is dealing with difficult issues that are beyond their control, it is normal to feel down. Constant situations of stress and anxiety can be devastating and cause a lot of mental fatigue.

Therefore, if you notice that there is something that prevents you from getting well and you know it could be related to it, it is recommended to see a psychologist. If your emotional health suffers, it will be very easy for your physique to fall behind.

See your doctor

The reasons why you are feeling tired can be endless. Remember that it’s not the same to go through a moment of discomfort due to a specific situation (exam season, a family problem) than to suffer from a chronic feeling.

In this case, it is essential to go to the doctor so that he can refer you to a specialist. You may simply have to follow a treatment with some type of mineral (such as iron) or resort to therapy, but it is important that you follow all the recommendations. The more rested you are, the happier you will be.

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