5 Tibetan Exercises To Rejuvenate

It is recommended to perform this routine before breakfast, but it can be practiced at any time of day. It is good, if you are not used to exercising, to warm up beforehand.

What are Tibetan exercises? We know that there is no magic secret to “eternal youth” and that at some point in our lives we will have to accept old age with all its signs.

However, nowadays there are many ways to rejuvenate and live a fuller life longer, both physically and emotionally.

In addition to aesthetic treatments and rejuvenating remedies, there are a number of Tibetan exercises that are becoming popular as they have a very positive effect on the body, both in terms of health and beauty.

These are 5 Tibetan rejuvenating exercises that were published in 1985 in a book called “The Fountain of Youth” written by Peter Kelder. Peter claims that people who disciplinedly followed this advice enjoyed a better quality of life and more youth.

What are the benefits of these 5 Tibetan Rejuvenating Exercises?

Long before they were published, the authors studied Tibetan rejuvenation exercises to discover their benefits and the impact they have on people who regularly practice them.

Thus, gathering real data from those who practiced the exercises, it was determined that they have the following benefits:

  • Contribute to a more youthful physical appearance.
  • Improve the quality of sleep.
  • They help to wake up refreshed and full of energy.
  • Prevent and treat joint problems.
  • Help to end the pain.
  • Improve memory and prevent brain damage.
  • Alleviate some symptoms of arthritis.
  • Contribute to weight loss.
  • Help improve eyesight.
  • Improve physical strength, endurance and stamina.
  • Improve emotional and mental health.
  • Provide a feeling of well-being and harmony.
  • They release stress.

Recommendations before starting the exercise program

To walk
  • First, if you are an active and healthy person, do each exercise three times during the first week.
  • However, if you are inactive, overweight, or have a health problem, start by doing one of the first three every day of the week.
  • Also, if you are overweight, avoid exercises 4 and 5 until you have developed some strength and endurance.
  • Also, if you haven’t been physically active for a while, get ready for Tibetan exercises by walking every day for half an hour.
  • Finally, for best results, try doing the exercises before breakfast, otherwise do them at another time of day.

5 Tibetan Exercises Program That Helps You Rejuvenate

Exercise 1

  • First, stand straight with your arms extended horizontally to the floor, palms down and arms in line with your shoulders.
  • Then turn clockwise until you start to feel a little dizzy. Gradually increase the number of turns from 1 turn to 21 turns.
  • To avoid dizziness, do as figure dancers and figure skaters do: before starting to spin, focus your vision on a single point in a straight line.
  • As it begins to spin, try to keep your vision on this point for as long as possible.

Breathing: Inhale and exhale deeply as you spin.

Exercise 2

  • First, lie on the floor on your back with your arms extended by your sides and your palms flat on the floor.
  • Then lift your head off the floor by placing your chin on your chest, and as you do this, lift your legs with your knees straight, in an upright position. Do not bend your knees for any reason.
  • Then gently lower your legs and head back to the floor, always keeping your knees straight. Relax your muscles and repeat.

Breathing: Take a deep breath as you lift your head and legs and exhale as you lower your head and legs.

Exercise 3

  • First, kneel on the floor with your body straight and your hands on the back of your thigh muscles.
  • Then tilt your head and neck forward, placing your chin on your chest
  • Tilt your head and neck back, arching your spine while making sure your toes are bent. Support your hands and arms against your thigh for balance.

Breathing: Inhale as you arch your spine and exhale as you return to the starting position.

Exercise 4

  • First, sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you and your feet slightly apart. The torso of the body should be straight, the palms of the hands flat on the floor and the chin forward against the chest.
  • Then move your head back as far as you can, and at the same time lift so that your knees are bent with your feet flat on the floor and your arms at a right angle to your shoulders.
  • Tense your body muscles and then rest as you return to the starting position.

Breathing: Inhale as you rise, hold your breath as you tense your muscles, and exhale as you return to the starting position.

Exercise 5

  • First, lie on your stomach, supporting yourself with your hands and feet flat on the floor as you lift your torso, arch your back and move your head back as far as you can.
  • Then rotate your hips keeping your feet and hands on the floor so that your body forms a triangle and your chin is against your chest.

Breathing: Take a deep breath as you lift your body and exhale fully as you lower your body.


Avoid these exercises if you suffer from any of the following health conditions:

  • Heart problems
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Severe arthritis of the spine
  • Uncontrolled high pressure
  • A condition of hyperthyroidism
  • Vertigo

Some problems can also arise if you are taking medication. In all these cases or in case of any doubt, it is best to consult your doctor.

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