5 Tips To Prevent Bunions

Bunions are a very painful problem that can be prevented in some cases with simple advice. 
5 tips to prevent the appearance of bunions

Bunions are a real nuisance that can affect anyone, .

They are defined as a swelling that generates a lot of pain, as it causes a lateral displacement of the bone of the big toe, at its base. For this reason, preventing the appearance of bunions is essential if we are to move smoothly every day.

Advice to prevent the appearance of bunions

1. Don’t wear tight shoes

Have you ever worn shoes that squeeze your feet? Or that they were a little narrow at the end? Be very careful with this as you are creating the perfect breeding ground for the bunions to form.

When our foot is tight, it has to adapt to the shoe it is in. The fingers can be in uncomfortable positions, twisting and this can cause a bunion to appear when you least expect it. Furthermore,  the pain and discomfort of our feet will tell us that something is not right. 

Footwear must be of an appropriate size. It shouldn’t be too big or too small, so that our feet don’t feel tight and this causes much more serious problems.

2. Watch out for high heels

What happens when we wear high heels? The entire weight of the foot rests where the toes are, making them squished together. Also, many high heels have a narrower toe, so even if they’re our size, our feet, at least in this area, will be tight.


If you wear high heels a lot, you have every chance of suffering from bunions, .

However, if you can’t give them up, we recommend trying to choose those models that don’t have too high a heel. If, in addition, it is a little too wide, so much the better.

3. Use insoles if you have flat feet

The third piece of advice to prevent the appearance of bunions is for all those people who suffer from flat feet. Because  when you have this type of foot and walk, an overload appears in the area where the bunion is formed.

We have to say that insoles can be boring and uncomfortable. However, they will help your feet if you suffer from this condition and will prevent you from developing any bunions. A very painful problem that is much better prevented.

4. Walk barefoot

To prevent the appearance of bunions, it is good not to always have your feet closed in sneakers or high-heeled shoes. They need to be able to breathe and feel free from any pressure and discomfort that wearing shoes and even friction with the sock can cause.

Therefore, it is very positive to take advantage of the fact that we are on the beach to walk, as this greatly favors our feet. But, above all, that at home we don’t keep our street shoes. We can go barefoot, just wear socks or wear comfortable sneakers.

5. Choosing the right shoes

If we want to prevent the appearance of bunions properly, it is necessary that from now on we invest in quality footwear. It should be flexible, breathable, not squished and, if it can be made of natural materials, much better.


If we take this into consideration, in addition to all the above advice, our chance of ending up with bunions on our feet will be very low. Let’s not forget that if there is someone in our family who has bunions, our degree of prevention has to be higher, even though it sometimes doesn’t work.

All these tips for preventing bunions will also help if you already have them. Well, we still have to wear shoes and it’s better to choose those that don’t hurt us and don’t squeeze our bunion, so that your pain doesn’t increase.

Is there anyone in your family who suffers from bunions? You suffer? If not, we encourage you to see if you are making a mistake with the footwear, so that you can resolve it as soon as possible. The health of your feet is at stake.

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