5 Tips To Reduce The Discomfort Of Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy

Although pregnancy is a natural process for women, it does not exempt them from experiencing the symptoms of conditions such as hypothyroidism. Discover strategies to reduce the discomfort of this pathology.
5 Tips to Reduce Discomfort of Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy

The thyroid is a gland with multiple functions in the body, not only under normal conditions, but also during pregnancy. It is a gland of great importance, so we must be aware of any type of problem, such as hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism is a pathology of the gland that causes certain discomforts and can affect the pregnancy, altering the correct progress and even its conclusion. Despite this, there are alternatives to improve the symptoms of this disease.

What are the symptoms of hypothyroidism during pregnancy?

  • Cold intolerance.
  • Fine, brittle hair.
  • Melancholy face.
  • Constipation.
  • Trend towards obesity.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Irritability.
  • Dry skin.

Strategies to Reduce Discomfort of Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy

1. Consume natural iodine

Foods with Iodine to Control Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy

Iodine is the main thyroid compound and therefore the thyroid hormone that produces it . Adding iodine to daily dietary foods with iodized salt will allow the body to absorb the necessary amount, thus reducing the discomfort caused by hypothyroidism during pregnancy.

To get it even more naturally, we  recommend the consumption of seafood or seaweed that contain a good amount of iodine. With these foods, the body replenishes the proportion of iodine that the gland has lost due to its pathological condition.

2. Avoid eating soy products

Soy-based foods have goitrogenic compounds in their nutritional structure, which directly affect the body’s thyroid levels, and even more so if the woman with hypothyroidism is pregnant.

Soy foods are responsible for inhibiting the stimulation of the thyroid hormone , implying a significant imbalance in it and favoring the appearance of goiter.

3. Keep a balanced diet

Diet to control hypothyroidism during pregnancy

Maintaining a balanced diet is one of the main strategies to reduce the discomfort of hypothyroidism during pregnancy. All meals must provide the amount of nutrients needed to feed the mother and, consequently, the fetus in a healthy way.

Choose organic foods and you’ll see how soon you won’t experience the symptoms of hypothyroidism as sharply.

4. Consume natural oils

Both essential oils and natural oils and fatty acids are essential in all pregnancies as they not only provide great health benefits to the fetus, they also keep the thyroid gland regulated. This means that natural oils and fatty acids stimulate thyroid hormone secretion.

They improve thyroid function and, as a result, help to reduce the discomfort this condition entails during pregnancy. You can naturally get fatty acids and natural oils from nuts such as walnuts and flax seeds, as well as from other fruits such as avocados.

5. Increase your protein intake

Foods That Help Control Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy

Proteins are nutrients that contribute to better thyroid hormone distribution. Consuming good servings of protein helps your thyroid hormone meet its requirements in a balanced way.

You get the healthiest proteins in all nuts, as well as green vegetables and white meat.  This will help you and your baby feel good.


As long as the body is at the correct levels of this hormone, the discomforts due to hypothyroidism will begin to subside, making you feel calm during your pregnancy and allowing you not to worry about your thyroid condition.

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