6 Accessories Every Woman Should Have In Her Closet

A look, for whatever circumstance, is not just made up of clothes. Do you give accessories the attention they deserve? Here are some that can’t be missing from your closet.
6 accessories every woman should have in her closet

Accessories are like lighting or decorating a room. If they’re the right ones, they can get you ten times the attention; on the other hand, if they are not adequate, they can ruin the most beautiful combination of pieces. If you want to have a lot of options, we’ll show you some accessories that every woman should have in her closet below.

Perhaps for many they are objects of little value, which may well go unnoticed. However, accessories are a very important element when dressing up.

In addition to colors and size, it’s also important to be aware of material, style and quantity. Using too many accessories usually doesn’t have the best effect, but using one or two is sometimes too little.

As you can see, the variables to consider are many; the world of accessories for women is very wide – fortunately – and that’s why some advice can never be too much. Below, we show the accessories that every woman should have in her closet.

6 accessories every woman should have in her closet

1. Sunglasses

If summer is coming, they can’t miss it. Sunglasses are accessories that go far beyond the season: they are worn all year round and there are thousands of fantastic models.

The choice of lenses will depend on each person’s taste. Also, obviously, the face must not be forgotten: not all people look good with the same types of glasses.

In any case, try to have at least one pair on hand. Any clothes you choose for your mornings or afternoons will be favored with them.


2. Wallet

A wallet cannot be missing from any list of accessories that every woman should have in her closet. Different styles and colors can be used to match the look the situation calls for.

In order not to be left empty-handed – quite literally – on any occasion, we recommend having at least one very formal one, for a work meeting, and another casual one.

3. Belts

The offer of belts is very diverse, at the same time it has beautiful designs. Use different colors and materials to draw attention to the waist and shape the body. Another piece of advice: don’t miss the opportunity to match them with your shoes.

4. Earrings

Have you noticed how much a person’s face changes depending on the type of earring they wear? As with glasses, the shape of your face is important when choosing the right earrings.

For example, oval faces are favored with triangular earrings. In contrast, rounder faces look better with long earrings. In all cases, wearing earrings with a contour similar to the face will emphasize this feature and the effect will not be good.

On the other hand, hairstyle must also be considered. If you wear new earrings or earrings that you want to show off, try to match them with a suitable hairstyle so that they are not covered by the hair.

5. Bracelets and rings

Along with nail care, bracelets and rings give your hands the perfect finish. We put these two elements together because they give you the opportunity to combine them and play with your designs.

As for bracelets, you can wear one or several depending on the occasion. If you’re going to a special event and want to wear a delicate bracelet, you’d better give it exclusivity so you can show up.

With rings, something similar happens: there are large, small, with insignia, gold, silver, commitment, with diamonds and gemstones. It’s impossible not to find a style that we like.

6. Hat

Finally, let’s not forget about hats. The ones that are very fashionable nowadays are the Trilbys, also called the short brim. Even though they were created for men, women look great with them.

On the other hand, we also have the Porkpie, the Bogart, or the typical beach ones. For every occasion, there is a hat that will look spectacular with any woman’s look. Which model do you like best?

In conclusion, it is worth highlighting once again the importance of accessories. They give us the opportunity to vary the look without having to change clothes. Combining them is an art, and our ability improves with practice. Try it!

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