6 Foods That Protect Us From Diabetes

If you have a family history of diabetes or eating habits that increase your predisposition to developing it, be aware that there are several foods that should not be missing from your diet. In this article we will tell you what they are.

During the last few years, type II diabetes has appeared more frequently. The most worrying thing is that the age of development of this disease has dropped by ten years over the last 60-40 years on average.

So it is very important to know the foods that can protect us from this condition.

First, we have to keep in mind that the foods we will list below do not have the expected effect if they are not accompanied by other healthy foods. These must be incorporated into the daily diet.

In addition, one must maintain a healthy lifestyle where there is frequent physical activity. This will be very helpful for maintaining body weight.

The foods that have the properties of helping to keep diabetes under control, or better, away from our bodies are the following:

1. Curry

Although so far the effectiveness of curry in preventing type II diabetes has not been fully demonstrated, some studies were carried out that had very positive results regarding the development of this condition.

For example, they obtained data from a study performed on a group of 240 patients. These patients had a high risk of developing diabetes.

So even though they didn’t have very high blood sugar levels, their blood glucose was a little high.

Such patients were divided into two groups. One of them was given turmeric extract, a spice that has a compound called curcumin, which has the ability to prevent diabetes. The other group of patients was given a placebo.

Finally, scientists proved that patients treated with turmeric did not develop the disease. While the other patients mostly ended up developing diabetes.

2. Cinnamon

Cinnamon helps fight diabetes

It has a great ability to improve blood glucose levels. It is recommended to consume it by adding it to a wide variety of dishes, drinks and refreshments. Thus, on top of everything else, they acquire a pleasant taste.

3. Coffee

This is a very nice drink that can help us stay awake and alert. However, it can also be a very useful drink in helping to prevent the development of type II diabetes.

Some research carried out by the University of California, Los Angeles, managed to discover that with the (controlled) consumption of coffee, a protein called SHBG increases in the blood. This can prevent the risk of getting diabetes.

4. Blueberries and apples


The apple is a great option to face diabetes
The apple is hypotensive, which makes it a good ally to reduce blood pressure in cases of hypertension.

Consuming several servings of these fruits during the week can help to avoid the risk of suffering diabetes, as these fruits contain large amounts of anthocyanins, substances that can prevent this disease.

5. Dark chocolate

Recent studies show that people who are used to consuming dark chocolate on a regular basis have a much lower risk of suffering type II diabetes. Furthermore, they prevent cardiovascular disease.

6. Nuts


Regular consumption of nuts and all kinds of nuts is very important to protect our bodies from diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular problems. However, to get the benefits of this food we must eat at least a handful of them every day.

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