7 Tips To Strengthen The Immune System

Although you may not believe it, laughter, in addition to promoting our mental health, strengthens the immune system and increases the production of antibodies

It is extremely important that our immune system function perfectly, after all, this is the natural defense that the body uses to fight infections or diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. With that in mind, today we’ll talk about how to strengthen the immune system.

When the immune system is deficient, it cannot distinguish between the body’s own tissues and infectious agents, so it does not perform well. To prevent this from happening, pay attention to the following recommendations.

Don’t stay out in the sun for too long

strengthen the immune system

It is important that the body is nourished with vitamin D, which the sun itself helps us to synthesize. However, if we take in too much sun, in addition to causing the skin to age, it can also contribute to the development of cancer and, if it seems too little, it can also weaken the immune system.

Many people, by necessity, are constantly exposed to UV rays, but in these cases, it is also recommended the constant and daily use of sunscreen, as well as appropriate clothing, which protects the body.

Consume Vitamin A to Strengthen the Immune System

It can be found in products such as:

  • Beef
  • Fish
  • birds
  • dairy
  • fruit
  • vegetables

This vitamin, in addition to strengthening the immune system, helps to keep teeth, skin, soft tissue and bone in good condition. It also stimulates vision.

Consume Vitamin C to Strengthen the Immune System

The body especially needs this vitamin for the growth and repair of body tissues. Its consumption is important to maintain the good condition of bones, ligaments, tendons, blood vessels and, in general, the entire body. Its main benefits are:

  • Helps to heal wounds
  • It is an excellent antioxidant, preventing cell aging
  • Helps eliminate toxins from the body
  • Fighting free radicals

To enjoy its benefits, try to consume: melon, kiwi, mango, papaya, citrus, strawberries and blueberry.

Consume Vitamin E to Strengthen the Immune System

Vitamin E protects cells from free radical damage, strengthens the immune system and helps form red blood cells.

Sleep well

Rest is vital for the body and mind! Therefore, sleep at least six to eight hours a day, as the immune system carries out the production of some cells during rest. It is also important to sleep to keep your skin well cared for.

do not consume alcohol


Alcohol contains metabolites called aldehydes, which harm the immune system and make the body more vulnerable to disease. It also directly causes other diseases, such as cancer of the esophagus, mouth, colon, liver, among others.


There are many studies linking laughter to the immune system and increased antibodies. So, it costs nothing to try! The more you smile, the more this gesture will benefit your body and your immune system.

How do you know if your immune system is fragile?

It’s important to stick to the signals your body sends when there is a weakness in your immune system. Some of these signs are tiredness, wounds that appear without an apparent cause and take a long time to heal, muscle pain, colds that take a long time to heal and are frequent, among others.

We hope that these very basic tips are useful and that everyone puts them into practice, not only to strengthen the body’s defenses but also to ensure the proper functioning of each of the organs of your body.

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