8 Natural Alternatives To Replace Sugar

To sweeten our food in a healthy way, we can choose different alternatives to replace sugar. In addition to avoiding health complications, by doing this we will get other benefits if we consume them in a moderate way.
8 Natural Alternatives to Replace Sugar

Despite its delicious taste, sugar can be a trigger for many illnesses if we consume it in large quantities. These include obesity, heart disease, diabetes… but fortunately there are many ways to replace sugar in food and drink.

The most natural ways to sweeten your food will be stevia, honey, or xylitol. We tell you the details of each of them.

Products to replace sugar

1. Stevia

A more natural sweetener to replace sugar: stevia.

Stevia is a natural sweetener widely used to replace sugar, especially by those on a weight loss diet.

This is because it contains fewer calories and does not promote weight gain. It is extracted from the leaves of the shrub Stevia rebaudiana.

Furthermore, it also does not increase blood glucose levels. On the contrary, it reduces them as well as insulin levels. In this way it helps to fight diabetes.

It is used in powder or liquid, and each presentation can vary its flavor. This variation corresponds to the presence and amount of sweet compounds it has. That’s why there are some presentations that taste better than others.

2. Coconut sugar

Coconut sugar contains a small amount of fiber and nutrients. Although it is considered healthier than regular sugar, it has a high fructose content and should be consumed in moderation.

This could be a good option to replace sugar naturally, but you must be careful. Remember that everything in excess is bad. Use it in small amounts to sweeten juices, teas, or some foods.

3. Erythritol

Fructose to replace sugar
A lower calorie option to replace sugar is erythritol.

Erythritol is a sugar alcohol, but it contains only 6% of the calories contained in it. This makes it a good choice as a substitute if you want to sweeten food or drinks without it meaning weight gain.

Its consumption is also safe for people with diabetes, as it does not increase insulin and blood glucose levels.

It also does not increase cholesterol and triglyceride levels, so people at cardiovascular risk can take it with ease.

4. Yacon Syrup

Yacon syrup is extracted from the plant of the same name. It has a sweet taste, is dark, and has a thick consistency, similar to molasses.

It contains between 40% and 50% of fructooligosaccharides, which are a type of sugar molecule that the human body cannot digest. For this reason, like erythritol, none of the main harmful effects are attributed to the body.

Although it is considered safe to consume, ingesting this syrup in excess can cause some digestive discomfort. The most common are gas and diarrhea.

5. Xylitol

Xylitol to replace sugar
Xylitol. This sugar is extracted from natural sources and is a good substitute for refined sugar.

It is a sugar alcohol, with a very similar sweetness to it, except that it does not increase blood glucose levels.

Sugar usually increases these levels because it has fructose among its components. In contrast, xylitol does not contain it.

This compound also has the ability to reduce the risk of deterioration, and strengthen bone density. This is mainly because it increases the absorption of calcium in the body.

6. Honey

This superfood could not be missing as a substitute for sugar! Honey contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals beneficial to our body.

In addition, it is often used to treat respiratory problems and to strengthen the immune system.

Like sugar and all its substitutes, it shouldn’t be consumed in excess, so don’t get carried away by its delicious taste. Use it to sweeten coffee and other beverages, but no more than a teaspoon.

7. Molasses

Molasses to replace sugar

It has a consistency similar to honey, although it is darker in color. It has nutrients that support the health of our bones and heart.

It can also help regulate blood sugar levels. For this reason, it is a very suitable option for diabetic patients to sweeten their food and drinks.

It is very good to replace refined sugar. Add just a teaspoon of molasses to what you want to sweeten, and it will be enough.

8. Maple syrup

Maple syrup contains minerals, and a lot of antioxidants. It strengthens the immune system, aids muscle recovery, and maintains normal sugar levels if you don’t overdo it.

It also helps to reduce anxiety . Therefore, with your consumption you will avoid possible “eating cravings”, or overeating. This, in turn, will reduce the risk of obesity.

If you’re in the at-risk group of diabetes sufferers, substituting sugar for a natural option can help prevent the disease.


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