8 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Sciatica

Both heat and cold can be very beneficial in treating sciatica. In case of cold weather, we should not apply ice directly to the skin to avoid getting burned.

Sciatica is produced when there is an irritation of the sciatic nerve, which causes the patient to experience severe pain that goes from the lower back, extending to the back of one of the legs and even reaching the feet.

Even though this pain is sometimes not due to irritation of the sciatic nerve, it retains the name of sciatica or sciatica attack because it is very similar.

Sciatic nerve irritation is produced when it compresses as a result of excessive pressure. The main causes of sciatica include lumbar canal stenosis, piriform syndrome, fractures, tumors or pregnancy, among others.

People suffering from sciatica especially feel intense pain that can even prevent them from carrying out their daily activities.

This pain is usually accompanied by changes in the sensitivity of the skin that innervates the sciatic nerve, in addition to causing  muscle weakness and decreased muscle reflexes.

If sciatica bothers you often, below are 8 natural ways to fight it to end it once and for all.

1. Acupuncture

A recent investigation published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine revealed that in a group of 30 people who received acupuncture treatment to relieve sciatica, 17 of them completely got rid of the pain, while 10 experienced improvement in symptoms during the warm-up process. of the needles.

2. Yoga helps fight sciatica

In another investigation, it was found that people who constantly suffered from sciatica attacks and practiced yoga for more than 16 weeks saw a 64% reduction in pain and 77% in disability.

3. Massages

Massages are an excellent option to relax your muscles and combat sciatic nerve pain. In this case, the ideal is to use a relaxing essential oil and concentrate on the affected areas, being careful not to press hard and make the problem worse.

4. Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs

Natural Analgesics to End Sciatica

Whether natural or pharmacological, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs can be very effective in treating sciatica pain. This type of treatment can relieve pain in up to 8 hours and can be consumed for up to two days in a row.

In the case of using pharmacological treatment, one should not abuse the consumption of pills because they can have side effects.

5. Apply heat

A hot water bag or a hot water bath can be very effective in treating sciatica pain. We can also  put a warm compress on the affected area and let it work for 20 to 25 minutes.

6. Apply cold

Applying ice to combat sciatica

It has been proven that ice packs can also significantly lessen sciatica pain. To enjoy its benefits, it should be applied to the lumbar region or affected area and let it act for 10 to 15 minutes.

This treatment will help reduce inflammation and pain, albeit only temporarily. We should always support the ice wrapped in a cloth or towel and never directly on the skin.

7. Plants

Plants with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties can be of great help in the treatment of sciatica. Among these plants, you can choose:

  • The ginger.
  • The turmeric.
  • The pepper.
  • The black birch.
  • Wild lettuce.
  • The rue.

8. Physical exercises to treat sciatica

Although patients suffering from sciatica can partially rest for up to two days, the best remedy to relieve this pain is exercise and movement that strengthens the sciatic nerve.

When the muscles and structures of the spine do not exercise and move regularly, they weaken and lose their ability to support the back . As a result, this pain may be more difficult to treat and may get worse over the days.

Exercises to reduce and combat sciatica should include a stretching plan that works on the affected areas, as well as a good bout of aerobic exercise.

For example, walking is an excellent exercise to reduce low back pain as it is relatively low-impact and works the affected area, giving you the benefits of aerobic exercise.

It is very important that the exercises for the treatment of sciatica are performed under the supervision of a specialist, as they must be done correctly so as not to worsen the condition. Poor movement or poor posture during exercise can increase the problem.

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