8 Symptoms Of A Kidney Disease

When our kidneys don’t eliminate waste from the blood, they accumulate. As a result, we may experience strange and sudden itching as if coming from the bones.

Taking care of our kidneys is essential in our day. But sometimes we make mistakes: a poor diet, little consumption of fluids… this is when small signs may appear that something is not going well. How about if we know some of the most obvious symptoms of a possible kidney disease? Check out!

Indicators of a kidney disease

As is often said, knowledge is power. Listening to our body is essential to maintain good health, but much less should we take any small hint to obsession.

The symptoms of kidney disease are often very obvious, so it never hurts to know about them to consult our doctor for advice.

1 . Changes when urinating

Orina Infection

It is certainly the most obvious symptom of kidney disease, easily observable signs.

  • We are forced to get up many times at night, with an unusual urgency. So when we got to the bathroom, we couldn’t make more than a few drops.
  • Urine changes color or may even come out frothy or with bubbles. In addition, you start to urinate more often and it is common to have a darker shade (like Coca-Cola, due to the remains of blood).

2. Tiredness

Sometimes we can feel tired for no apparent reason. We walk a little, climb stairs and our body already feels exhausted. What’s more, it’s very possible that when you get home from work, you don’t think about anything other than going to bed and going to bed.

What is this feeling and lack of energy due to? Healthy kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin and it takes care of transporting oxygen to the blood.

But if kidney disease already exists, erythropoietin production decreases as the kidneys fail. All of this causes our muscles to deplete, our red blood cells are also reduced and not much oxygen is transported, which can result in anemia. You have to stay alert.

3. Swelling

swollen pies

Do you usually feel your ankles swell? The legs? Does it cost to put on the shoes? So it’s possible that you have a kidney problem. But be careful, don’t make this association immediately; sometimes it’s a simple circulation problem.

Therefore, it is necessary to look for other symptoms, such as hair loss, swelling on the face, hands, etc. All of this is because the kidneys cannot get rid of the extra fluid that builds up in our bodies.

4. Rashes and itching

A sudden itch, different from the others, as if it came from the bone or from the blood itself. It is something very uncomfortable that is due to the fact that our kidneys are not eliminating the waste from our blood as they should and that is why it accumulates and these uncomfortable and unpleasant itches appear.

5. Metallic taste in the mouth


Another data to be considered. It is possible, for example, that the food no longer has its original taste and even that your breath has a bad odor, such as ammonia.

You have a bad taste in your mouth and this makes you lose your appetite, because everything seems to taste like iron or something metallic. These are effects of having some kidney disease.

Do not ignore this symptom if it is a constant. Always consult a doctor.

6. Nausea and malaise

We already know that there are many causes that can lead to discomfort and anguish. But when this reality is frequent, you will need to consider this factor to talk to your doctor.

This may be related to the accumulation of waste in the blood (uremia) which can lead to nausea and vomiting.

7. Feeling cold


Having a lower index of red blood cells, anemia, the feeling of weakness, makes us feel more fragile in the face of temperature changes and, in particular, in relation to the cold.

You feel colder and your hands and feet are always freezing; a very characteristic feeling of vulnerability.

8. Pain in one side of the back or in one leg

Has it ever happened to you? Rest assured, it is a symptom that can be related to many things. But it is important to be aware if this is frequent, something that accompanies you for several days in a row.

Back pain with a slight inflammation also in one leg, a pressure that cannot be explained, but that bothers.

Note, above all, if it is always on the same side, as this would demonstrate that it is actually due to the kidney. Sometimes it is due to polycystosis of the kidneys, which causes fluid-filled cysts in the kidneys and can even appear in the liver, something that causes a lot of pain.

That way, never ignore the symptoms your body always gives you.

Even less, get obsessed, but if it is a constant pain and you have a discomfort in the usual way, do not hesitate to seek a doctor so that he can offer the appropriate treatment in case you are suffering from any kidney disease. 

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