8 Things You Should Never Do At The Gym

Although they can be classified as common sense, it is not too much to remember certain behaviors that are best avoided in the gym. We should think about how we like others to treat us.
8 things you should never do at the gym

If you go to the gym regularly, you certainly have your own habits. However, you need to be careful as they may not be the most suitable.

To prove it, pay attention to this list of things you should never do in a place like this.

As you know, these basic rules of good manners must always be applied.

Even though, on some days, the volume of people is bigger, that doesn’t mean that, when there are few people, you don’t have to be polite.

1. Don’t sweat gym equipment

rowing at the gym

It is a matter of civility. We shouldn’t make the braces sweaty.

  • For this, remember that you need to take a towel with you to dry the sweat. In addition, it will also be good to clean the seats and supports when you are finished.

You can’t forget that the vast majority of them are made of synthetic leather, so sweat won’t evaporate or be absorbed: you’ll have to remove it yourself.

2. Don’t rest on an equipment

There are often people waiting to use the equipment, so if you’re not going to use it right now, make room for the next person.

Don’t make this mistake because it will waste time for others.

3. Attention to the cell phone

Many people take their cell phone to the weight training session, and answer the calls they receive. At this point, you have to be very careful.

  • Don’t raise your voice, because you might be bothering others. Think that many are there to relax mentally.
  • On the other hand, if you take your cell phone to listen to your own music, never forget your headphones, as it’s safe to say that not everyone wants to hear what you do.

4. Don’t stay on one machine all the time

Remember, equipment is for everyone and you can’t use it for too long.

While it may seem obvious, it’s one of the most vexing problems we encounter in the gym. Never commit it.

If you notice people waiting, alternate with other exercises.

5. Don’t leave the weights lying around

How to behave in the gym

As with any object in your house, don’t leave things lying around in the gym. This can happen especially with objects such as weights or dumbbells.

  • Remember that the weights have their place, and leaving them spread out can cause someone to fall or injure themselves as well as getting in the way.
  • After using them, put them back in place.

6. Don’t be late for classes

In the same way that being late for an appointment or at work doesn’t look good and is a symptom of lack of education, don’t do it in an academy class.

Think that you might have to make your way through the people who are already concentrated in class, look for equipment, etc.

You will definitely distract other people who are taking the class that has already started. Best to avoid.

7. Be careful with the showers

gym shower

You may have certain showering habits at home, but remember that the gym is not your home. Avoid walking around naked in the locker room if others avoid doing so.

  • If you need to do your hair or makeup in the bathroom, don’t leave the sink full of wires.
  • As for cleaning, consider that soon someone else will be using the sink and will like to find it clean, just like you.

8. Screaming and complaining

There are people who start making strange sounds, and even screaming while they work out.

It is usually more common for men to do this when they exert a lot of effort, but in any case it is a very uncomfortable habit for other people.

Remember that many people go to the gym to concentrate, spend time with themselves, and it’s quite unpleasant to hear screams.

Likewise, if you are tired, don’t start complaining. There is nothing more uncomfortable.

Think about what you can do without overtiring yourself, and if you’re really tired, stop exercising and you’re done. In any case, don’t start whining about it.

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