9 Reasons To Ride A Bike

Riding a bike allows your knees and other joints to rest, as you don’t have to support your body weight, most of which rests on the saddle.

More and more people are leaving their car to start cycling in order to avoid traffic and exercise.

If you haven’t made up your mind about whether or not to make this big change, pay attention to these 9 reasons to start cycling more:

1. Goodbye to depression when riding a bike

It has been proven that people who use bicycles suffer less from sadness and psychological disorders.

This is because the activity oxygenates the brain more than any other type of activity and allows you to think better, producing a hormone that generates a healthy addiction to sport.

2. Reduces the risk of heart attacks

The percentage is approximately 50% since, when pedaling, the heart rate increases while the blood pressure decreases. So as a result: the heart works economically.


3. Relieves back pain

Ideal for those who work all day sitting down. When riding a bicycle, leaning your body forward to take off, the back muscles tense to stabilize your torso.

Also, it’s good to know that lack of exercise causes back pain and a loss in the ability to cushion falls.

4. Lowers cholesterol

Lowers LDL, or bad cholesterol. On the other hand, good cholesterol (HDL) increases because blood vessels become healthier and more flexible. There is less chance that they will calcify.

5. Generates endorphins

This so-called “happiness hormone” is produced when we get on a bicycle and take a walk.

But beware, they are only produced in a constant activity of one hour, if you go beyond that, the results will be opposite.


6. Keeps away infections

According to some studies, it can even eliminate certain types of cancer. Cycling moderately strengthens the immune system.

It is a recommended exercise for patients with this type of disease and also AIDS, because the phagocytes (cells) move and kill the malignant cells.

7. Protects the knees

Contrary to popular belief,  riding a bicycle protects your knees, as most of your body weight rests on the seat. Cartilages and joints do not receive heavy loads either.

8. Improves physical appearance

In this case, the most worked part is the legs, but the activity also helps to shape the upper body, after all, everything is related.

Some choose to do sit-ups and then pedal, to balance the exercise of both parts.

9. Offers results within minutes

To start enjoying the benefits, remember this guide:

  • 10 minutes improve circulation
  • 20 minutes boost the immune system
  • 30 minutes help the heart
  • 40 minutes boost lung capacity
  • 50 minutes speed up metabolism
  • 60 minutes control weight, general well-being and eliminate stress.

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