Advice For Healing Wounds From The Past

To heal the wounds of the past it is necessary to stop self-pity, not think constantly about what happened, distract yourself with pleasant activities, and focus your mind on the future.
Advice for healing past wounds

Thinking about what happened, many times, does not allow us to enjoy the present, let alone look to the future. Therefore, it is essential to learn to heal past wounds. The deepest marks are etched “in flames”, but we have the ability to overcome them.  Find out how in this article.

Heal past wounds to eliminate pain

At some point in life, we all experience immense emotional pain that is impossible to explain. It hurts a lot and it seems like nothing and no one can help us. However, how we act on this mark left by the difficult situation is crucial.

That means it ‘s up to us to overcome what hurts us, heal past wounds and move on. It is common to blame others for what happens to us. We don’t take our share of responsibility for a given situation and we want the other to apologize.

Of course your feelings are genuine and very strong, but you must do something about it: hoarding hate, resentment and pain is not healthy for you (or others). If you get too attached to the past, you will relive this distressing situation over and over again. And if your mind is focused on these thoughts, it cannot have new, comforting, or healing experiences.

For this reason, learning to heal past wounds is essential. Forget about that situation that left you devastated, depressed or immobilized. Go through the grief phase and don’t give more importance than the situation really deserves. We must look to the future!

Advice for healing past wounds

Painful facts leave very deep marks on us. It’s true that everyone needs to go through different stages to overcome them, but there are many people who cling to these negative feelings.

It’s time to let go of everything that hurts us. You must look to the future in order to heal the wounds of the past. Don’t forget that as long as the trauma is still there, anything will make it come out and keep you from being happy.

1. Understand the situation

woman holding needle and thread

You may have suffered or been abandoned. This brought him to his current position. Understanding the situation does not mean thinking repeatedly about what happened; it means analyzing what happened and knowing, for example, what you think about it, why you feel that way, and how you can finally move on. Look at everything as if it’s not happening to you: what would you say to someone who was going through the same situation?

2. Accept that it was necessary

At some point, the decisions or actions you took helped you survive a horrible situation. You’ve protected yourself as anyone else would, but it’s time to change your approach. You no longer need self-pity or pity.  It’s time to change the angle of the problem. You are stronger than you think.

3. Don’t resist your thoughts

woman with flowers

One of the teachings that are offered in meditation is that when a thought appears, we must “blow” it to disperse it, just as a cloud that moves with the wind would. If you fight him, he will become stronger and more persistent. For example, try not to think about an apple. You will spend all day thinking about this fruit! The mind can play with us.

So the next time these thoughts or feelings related to a past wound come up, the best thing you can do is focus on something else. Replace suffering with motivation. Don’t stay home remembering yesterday. Live today and think about the future.

4. Do something you like

It’s true that when we’re depressed or distressed, we don’t have the courage to do anything. We prefer to spend the entire weekend in bed watching romantic movies, listening to sad music or crying as we rummage through our memories.

It’s important that when you feel bad, do something to change that feeling. Start with something small, like watching funny videos to renew your energy and get out of bed. Take the opportunity to walk your pet, take a bath or prepare a delicious lunch. Sometimes cleaning or tidying the house helps clear your mind.

5. Leave the calendar aside

annual calendar

Sometimes we feel sadder than usual on a specific date. It could be the day you ended a relationship or a family member died. These painful birthdays have to find us with the greatest possible motivation. Organize something nice for that day that makes you feel good.

For example, you can take a trip to a place you’ve never visited, go to the beauty salon, meet those friends who always make you laugh. Don’t feel guilty about getting on with your life: you have a right to be happy.

6. Learn

The last step in healing the wounds of the past is to think about the lessons learned that have certainly made you wiser, stronger, more powerful, or bolder. The next time you have to go through something bad or depressing, you’ll have the right tools to get over it the best way.

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