Alkaline Water: What Are Its Benefits?

Alkaline water is a commercial proposition that has no scientific backing, yet it has been attributed several benefits. We will mention them below.
Alkaline water: what are its benefits?

Alkaline water is an ionized liquid that is supposed to have several health benefits. It would help the body to eliminate the acidic waste it produces in the digestion process, which would help keep the pH balanced.

Simply put, this drink could correct the body’s acid-base balance. It is said to contain a negative OPR, which would be an antioxidant. Thanks to the production of hydroxyl ions, it would favor the production of oxygen, thus helping to combat the effect of free radicals and promoting cell regeneration. This would contribute not only to health but also to vigor.

How to prepare alkaline water?

There are said to be three homemade tricks that supposedly help prepare alkaline water. We will examine them in more detail below.

alkaline water

Method number 1

  • You need to use two containers.
  • We fill one of the containers with water and then pour the water into the other empty container from a good height.
  • When water falls, it bubbles and this allows a good level of alkalinity to be reached after repeating the process 8 or more times.
  • The water we use has a pH of 7.2 and this method will allow us to increase it by at least 5 tenths, which while not much, is supposed to be good for alkalizing the body.

Method number 2

  • The second method to obtain homemade alkaline water is to boil the water for 5 minutes. After that,  the water will change from a pH of 7.5 to one of 8.4. In this way, it is likely to alkalize our body.
  • Some say you have to drink it hot, but the fact is that when it cools it still retains its alkalinity.

Method number 3

  • The last homemade method we can use to alkalinize water is to add half a teaspoon of baking soda  to a glass of water. 
  • As a result, the water will change from a pH of 7.2 to a pH of 7.9.
  • Keep in mind that to be considered alkaline, water must surpass a pH of 7.3, and from there the higher it goes, the more alkaline it will be (although, obviously, we shouldn’t go overboard).

Also read: Benefits of drinking water with sodium bicarbonate every day

What are the benefits of drinking alkaline water?

The benefits attributed to alkaline water are not scientifically proven and therefore cannot be considered real. However, let’s comment on them for you to analyze if it’s worth it or not.

1. It would contribute to good digestion

In addition to helping to eliminate toxins accumulated in the urine, alkaline water can help with good digestion. This would be possible because, by balancing the body’s pH, it would maintain the health of the stomach.

2. It would prevent diseases

As it would help maintain good hydration, alkaline water helps prevent kidney disease and urinary tract infections. However, there is no evidence to consider this claim as a hypothesis.

3. It would prevent premature aging

The accumulation of toxins would not only harm your health, it would also cause premature aging of the skin. Therefore, it is believed that drinking alkaline water can eliminate these toxins and, of course, prevent premature aging.

4. Combat fluid retention

Just like regular water, alkaline water could help to hydrate and fight fluid retention. And by helping to eliminate waste through the urine, it would help restore balance to the body.

It is believed that by balancing the pH, the cells would not have the need to retain fluid to fight acidity. Also, this will speed up your metabolism.

5. It would prevent osteoporosis

Drinking alkaline mineral water promotes the elimination of solid waste such as uric acid and nephrolites through the urine,  helping to prevent problems such as osteoporosis. Its action allows the release of calcium that was trapped in said residues, returning the alkaline pH to our blood.

:See also: Tips to fight osteoporosis

What do experts say about alkaline water?

  • Adriana MaƱas, scientist and doctor in Cellular and Molecular Biology, emphasizes that alkaline water is not a drink that brings real benefits to health, nor does it help to delay (or prevent) aging.
  • JM Mulet, PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, clarifies that alkaline water is a commercial proposal that has no scientific basis.
  • Julio Basulto, specialist in Diet and Nutrition, points out that there are several erroneous beliefs about water consumption.
  1. It is not necessary to drink two liters of water a day, this is a myth. To meet your daily hydration needs, you need to drink based on your thirst.
  2. To know if you are drinking enough water, pay attention to your urine. If it’s light in color, we’re drinking enough. On the other hand, if it’s dark and smells strong, you need to drink more water.
  3. There are acute dangers associated with both inadequate water consumption and excessive water intake (hyperhydration).
Alkaline water

If you want you can drink alkaline water. However, health experts indicate that it is not a recommended option, much less an indispensable one.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle, follow your doctor’s recommendations and maintain consistency in your habits; this can benefit your health.

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