Alternatives To Replacing Animal Protein In Your Diet

If you are considering reducing your animal protein intake, or if you have already done so, you should consider some important points.
Alternatives to Replace Animal Protein in Your Diet

There are a few reasons why people may decide to cut down on or replace animal protein altogether in their diet. There are those who do it to protect the environment and empathize with animals. There are those who do it for health problems that require a change in diet.

Regardless of why people stop eating meat or animal products, everyone needs protein. The body needs essential amino acids that it doesn’t produce on its own and gets them from the proteins it consumes.

Protein Functions

Each type of protein has a function in the body. Some intervene in its defense by generating antibodies. Others play an important role in muscle function.

There are proteins that provide biochemical reactions so that various enzymes are produced. Others carry molecules from one place to another in the body. These are just some of the functions of proteins so that the body can operate correctly.

It is important that those who decide to replace animal protein in their diet be very aware of their diet and where they can get the nutrients they need. The goal is to cover all nutritional requirements to be healthy.

Vegetarian or vegan?

Vegetarians do not eat meat, but allow themselves to consume animal products such as eggs and dairy. Even some of them consume fish and shellfish. There is a strict current according to which “anything that has eyes” is not consumed.

Vegans do not consume any products that come from animals, which makes the compensation of proteins in the diet a little more complicated. For both vegetarians and vegans, there are options that allow you to have a healthy and balanced diet.

Different options to replace animal protein

Different options to replace animal protein
Vegetable protein should be part of the diet, but it is less digestible than animal protein.

Oilseeds and seeds

  • Date.
  • Pistachio.

These dried fruits contain, in addition to protein, vitamin E. They also provide fiber and minerals. When consuming them, pay attention to the amount of salt that is added for flavor. Excess salt produces fluid retention and, consequently, high blood pressure.


Tofu is used to replace animal protein

It is one of the favorite foods of vegans to replace animal protein. It is a product derived from soy ; for its white appearance similar to cheese and the way it is prepared, it can also be called soy curd.

Tofu offers a high content of protein, minerals and omega 3. It can be prepared in multiple ways, from salad ingredients to hamburger meat substitutes. It is also suitable as a substitute for chicken in some recipes.




Seitan is wheat gluten that has the particularity that it can be prepared like meat. It can replace hamburger, meatballs or any other meat. It contains up to 75 g of protein for every 100 g. One of its advantages is that it is easily digested.


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