Benefits Of Drinking Water On A Fasting Stomach

By breaking the night fast with water, our body hydrates and begins the journey satisfied, with this we can more easily control the amount of food we consume during the day.
Benefits of drinking water on a fasting stomach

Water is one of the most important elements for our body and it is estimated that it makes up between 55-78% of the human body. However, many ignore the role it plays in health, as, instead of drinking water, they consume other beverages.

The truth is that water has a healing power that no other liquid can offer and whoever manages to incorporate it into their life as a daily habit can enjoy its multiple benefits in preventing and fighting a large number of diseases.

Are you willing to drink water after getting up? Its consumption right in the first moment of the day can work wonders, for the body and for health in general. For this reason, today we will reveal its qualities for your life.

What are the benefits of drinking water?

Water improves brain activity

Water to improve brain activity

Drinking water is the most appropriate way to hydrate the body and support each of its functions.

The brain is one of the organs that benefits most from adequate hydration. That’s because it allows your cells to oxygenate and helps you stay alert.

kidney health

The kidneys require a large amount of fluid to function properly and thus eliminate waste through urine. Therefore, drinking water on an empty stomach is a way to stimulate your work, especially when your body is overloaded with tasks.

good digestion

Water improves digestion

A single glass of water on an empty stomach can help to fight gastrointestinal illnesses such as constipation.

Its intake is required for the proper dissolution of nutrients. Thanks to this, the body can absorb them and then transport them to the cells.


The body accumulates large amounts of waste substances that we no longer need and which, if not eliminated, can lead to many chronic diseases.

By drinking water on an empty stomach, we contribute to the process of eliminating toxins. In addition, we contribute  to body clearance and increased metabolism.

Healthy skin

The first signs of dehydration can be noticed on the skin as this organ starts to dry out.

Adopting the habit of drinking water on an empty stomach will ensure good skin health, as it will help keep it elastic and firm.

Lose weight

drink water fasting to lose weight

We cannot claim that water is a natural “fat burner”. However, we can say that it is a very big contribution for those who are trying to lose weight.

When hydrated on an empty stomach, the organism feels a greater feeling of satiety and during the rest of the day it is easier to control the calorie intake.

Protects muscles and joints

Providing your body with water before eating any other food or drink is one of the best ways to lubricate your muscles and joints so that they function smoothly.

more energy

After a night’s sleep, the body is likely to wake up dehydrated. Due to not having enough fluid, the cells do not receive the necessary oxygenation and both the muscles and the brain can be affected.

By providing these organs with water in the first hour of the day, we stimulate a greater flow of oxygen and this will recharge both physical and mental energies.

How to start drinking water on an empty stomach?

When to start drinking water on an empty stomach

It can be a little tricky at first, mainly because the body isn’t used to it. Therefore, it is advisable to start drinking one or two glasses until you manage to ingest 4 glasses before breakfast.

After ingestion, wait 30 or 45 minutes for breakfast or other beverages.

It is important to know that water consumption should be done smoothly and gradually, as if the recommended amount is taken in a single sip, it can cause negative effects.

During the rest of the day you can also drink more water to maximize its benefits, but you should not drink too much water, as it can cause over-hydration and a greater workload for the kidneys.

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