Caffeinated Shampoo: Uses, Benefits And Home Preparation

Caffeinated shampoo has become popular on the market as a supplement to combat excessive hair loss. What do studies say about its effectiveness? Find out below.
Caffeinated shampoo: uses, benefits and preparation at home

Caffeine can be given as an infusion to stimulate the central nervous system and increase brain activity and alertness. In addition, it is used to treat headaches as an ingredient in some pain relievers. However, did you know that you can also use a shampoo with caffeine?

Certain cosmetic properties are attributed to this substance, such as preventing alopecia. It is believed to help stop some of the effects of androgen hormones on the hair follicle to promote strong, healthy hair growth.

At the moment, this product can be purchased in several commercial establishments and pharmacies. Also, it can be made at home with few ingredients. In general, it is recommended to apply it three to four times a week. To learn more, keep reading.

Main uses of caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant in the alkaloid family. It is found naturally in coffee, chocolate and tea; however, in some, such as white tea, the proportion is quite low.

The most common use of caffeine is as an infusion. It is estimated that the world consumes more than 2.5 billion cups of coffee a day, according to surveys. Furthermore, this trend is increasing in terms of per capita consumption.

On the other hand, this substance is included as a main ingredient or supplement to enhance the effect of a variety of medications. This includes those used to treat colds, headaches and migraines. It has even been tested experimentally in preventing Parkinson’s disease.

Furthermore, it is believed to have a stimulating effect in fighting alopecia. That’s why you can find a caffeinated shampoo on the market. In particular, it is said to activate hair follicles, which make hair grow.

Main uses of caffeine
Caffeine is not only present in coffee, but also in teas, chocolates, medicines and cosmetics.

Industrialized or homemade caffeinated shampoo

While it may not be familiar to you, the use of caffeine in cosmetics is nothing new. The first commercial brands of caffeinated shampoo are from the beginning of the 20th century. Currently, there are several presentations and varieties. There is even an entire line of products with this ingredient. Some are as follows:

  • Rinses.
  • Conditioners.
  • Fixing gel.
  • Exfoliating.
  • Rejuvenating and anti-acne creams.
  • Creams for cellulite.

In their formulas, in addition to this substance, shampoos with caffeine include ingredients that can promote hair growth, such as zinc, biotin, niacin, castor oil, among others.

In any case, all presentations guarantee that, with its use, the follicle will be stronger and the hair will not fall out so easily. It is also possible to make a homemade preparation. Like? You will need the following ingredients:

  • Liquid coconut oil or water.
  • Neutral shampoo (although it can be your usual shampoo).
  • 5 tablespoons of ground coffee.
  • Cinnamon or baking soda (optional).
  • Container for mixing.
  • A funnel.


  • Start by putting the coffee in the oil. Pour this mixture into a pan and cook over low heat for five hours. Stir every thirty minutes.
  • If using water, preheat it and place it in the bowl, along with the coffee.
  • Then add the other ingredients. Pour the preparation into the container using the funnel. When applying, shake a little.

How to use shampoo with caffeine?

  • The caffeinated preparation should be used like any other regular shampoo. Just wet your hair well and give the scalp a vigorous massage.
  • You must allow the product to come into contact with the hair follicle. So don’t rinse your head right away. Wait at least 5 minutes before rinsing.
  • Preferably, it is better to wash your head with cold water, as bathing in hot water is harmful, in addition to increasing the rate of hair loss by damaging the hair follicle.

It is advisable to use the shampoo with caffeine two to four times a week, or at most alternating days. Using it more often will not increase its effectiveness.

Possible Benefits of Caffeinated Shampoo

The evidence to support the benefits of shampoo with caffeine is limited. Still, proponents of this product suggest it can be useful for the following:

  • Stimulates circulation to the scalp.
  • Prevents hair loss.
  • Nourishes hair and hair follicle.
  • Stimulates hair growth.
  • Exfoliates the scalp.
  • Eliminates chemical buildup.
  • Rebalances pH levels.
  • Softens dry hair.
  • Straightens frizzy hair.

What do the studies say?

There are few researches in favor of this product. A 2007 study found that washing hair with a shampoo with caffeine can stimulate hair growth. In this sense, it is considered that this substance helps to block the effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the follicle.

Another study reached similar conclusions; caffeine can lengthen the shaft, even if the hair follicle has been exposed to testosterone. However, unlike the first study, which was carried out with a group of volunteers, in this case the evidence was obtained in the laboratory.

In one experiment, shampoo with caffeine was applied to the chest in two groups of people. It was rinsed after two minutes, and blood samples were collected at 72-hour intervals. In both groups, it was found that caffeine could be absorbed by the follicles.

Still, most studies were done in the laboratory or with few individuals involved. Therefore, more long-term controlled clinical trials, in larger groups, are needed to draw definitive conclusions.

Some studies suggest that shampoo with caffeine contributes to the treatment of alopecia. However, the evidence is limited.

Possible side effects

So far, few side effects of the caffeinated shampoo have been noted. There may be some risk of temporary scalp irritation , especially in people who are sensitive to any of the ingredients contained in the product.

This is more common in commercial brands than in homemade preparations. The reason? Some use synthetic preservatives such as methylparaben, propylparaben and phenoxyethanol. According to research, these ingredients can cause scalp irritation and allergic reactions such as itching, redness and a burning sensation.

On the other hand, some warn that despite continued use, hair continues to thin. And while many claim to benefit, in others the effectiveness is greatly reduced. Even with prolonged use of the caffeinated shampoo, the results may eventually be less noticeable.

Final recommendations

Although some brands have been on the market for years, the effectiveness of shampoo with caffeine in terms of stopping the progression of alopecia is not yet fully proven. Some surveys point to a weak positive effect. However, while there are no further studies, this cannot be affirmed, much less generalized.

Until now, caffeine molecules have been known to penetrate hair follicles. But from believing that this is the cure for baldness, there is still a distance. What is noticed is that some may have allergic reactions to its use. In case of allergy, rinse with plenty of water and discontinue use.

So if you’re starting to show signs of alopecia and have thought about trying a shampoo with caffeine, you can do so, but with caution. Preferably consult a dermatologist to see if any of the ingredients may cause irritation.

In the early stages of baldness, shampoo with caffeine can have an added effect when combined with other more proven treatments such as minoxidil or finasteride. It’s not very likely that, by itself, it will make such a significant difference.

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