Cat & Dog Feeding: Discover Favorites

Learn the best way to feed dogs and cats according to their needs, knowing their tastes in food.
Dog and cat food: discover the favorites

Feeding dogs and cats is just as important as any other care you give them. That’s why we’ll teach you what your pets’ food needs are so you can feed your pet  with the best food.

Interacting with a pet on a daily basis has multiple advantages,  as it has a positive impact on health and general well-being. Some of the most important benefits of the changes that produce in a family’s life are:

  • They provide company.
  • By taking them for walks, they improve the family’s heart activity.
  • They offer fidelity and unconditional love.
  • They improve mood and help lessen the impact of rejections.
  • They change people’s moods.

Dog and cat food

Dog feeding


A quality dog ​​and cat food will enhance their development and leave healthy skin and a shiny coat. Now, to clearly know which food each pet prefers and needs, several scientific studies have been carried out.

It was always thought that these animals needed more protein in their food. After several studies, this has been proven to be just a myth. In one of these studies, three different dishes were offered to dogs and cats.

One with proteins, one with fats and one with carbohydrates. It should be noted that the taste of the three dishes was the same, so it didn’t influence the decisions and was just a choice based on each one’s energy needs.

The results were quite surprising and marked three important points in all the studies performed:

  • First, neither dogs nor cats chose the proteins.
  • Dogs, on the other hand, prefer fats in their diet.
  • Also, cats consumed more carbohydrates.

Fats in dog and cat food:

Unlike humans, dogs do not suffer from high cholesterol, except in very exceptional cases. Therefore, they can consume more fat without any problems. This is probably due to the feeding of your ancestors, when they needed to hunt for food. Fats have the following characteristics:

  • Firstly, they are also known as oils or lipids.
  • They flavor the food.
  • They also provide a lot of energy.
  • The dog digests it easily.
  • From now on, its consumption should not be excessive.
  • Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, found in fish, are very good for dogs.
  • In addition, fats take care of the skin and prevent allergies and skin problems.
  • On the other hand, they are a source of essential fatty acids.
  • Finally, they are necessary for the absorption of certain vitamins.

In addition, we also suggest that:

  • Don’t overcook the food.
  • Store dry food correctly.

Carbohydrates in cats’ diets:

cat food

Carbohydrates, also called sugars, are an important source of energy for the cat’s life, especially for the brain. 

However, it should be taken into account that these animals do not have taste receptors for sweet flavors and absorb little glucose in their intestines.

Also, your saliva lacks salivary amylase, which breaks down starches, and your pancreas is less able to dissolve them.

Therefore,  the diet of dogs and cats must include several types of nutrients, among which carbohydrates must be found,  but all in their measure, so as not to cause disease or damage.

Above all, it should not be forgotten that the cat is a carnivorous animal and therefore protein must be present in its diet.

Diet for dogs and cats

Certainly, the nutritional needs of each animal depend on several factors such as breed, weight, height and age, among others.

A better understanding of how dogs and cats use the nutrients found in food will help you adjust your diet.

In conclusion, seeing them grow up healthy and happy will make us happy too. Food is an important link in the care of our pets.

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