Causes And Remedies For Knee Pain

Remember to consult a specialist so that he or she can recommend the corresponding exams. If it is not an acute injury, we can opt for neuromuscular bandages or kine-tape, whose results are very satisfactory.
Causes and Remedies for Knee Pain

Knee pain can be acute due to a recent or chronic injury, poorly healed injuries, or other health problems. The fact is that the knee suffers from all the weight of our body and sometimes it can be affected by overloads or sudden movements. In this article, we’ll talk about knee pain remedies.

We’ll also explain what the possible causes of knee pain are and share tips on the best home remedies that will alleviate and treat the pain. Among them, we will talk about medicinal plants, oils and even vegetables.

Possible Causes of Knee Pain

We’ll go over some of the most common causes of knee pain:

  • joint inflammation;
  • Bursitis: inflammation caused by continued overload or strain on the knee;
  • Tendonitis: Inflammation of the tendons that can cause pain when running, jumping, or walking fast. Knee tendonitis can increase the risk of major tendon disconnections;
  • Ligament injury or rupture: it is usually felt a detachment from the region, followed by a sharp pain;
  • Meniscus injury: usually happens after a sudden turn of the knee, and causes a diffuse pain that usually appears immediately and remains for a few days;
  • Muscle strain or sprain: This is also a ligament injury, but minor, caused by a sprain;
  • Baker’s Cyst: In this case, swelling occurs due to the accumulation of fluid in the knee.

When we suffer from chronic knee pain and cannot identify a concrete injury, we must take into account that, according to traditional Chinese medicine, the knees are related to the kidneys, so if we suffer from any problem or pain, we must treat including our kidney health.

When our kidneys work properly, the knee discomfort will possibly disappear.

What to do in the face of a knee problem?

  • If we have an acute injury, the first step is to immobilize the area, apply something cold and let the knee rest. Look for a doctor so that he can perform relevant exams and diagnose the problem, as well as apply the most appropriate treatment;
  • If the problem is old, or chronic, or appears for no reason or apparent injury, we can also go to a professional physiotherapist or osteopath. In addition, it is recommended that we look for a therapist who performs the kine-tape technique, which is based on the use of colored elastic bandages used by many professional athletes, which guarantee incredible results.

Now, let’s go over some of the best knee pain remedies to alleviate and cure pain. Check out:

Remedies for Knee Pain: Kale Compresses

Kale is an excellent anti-inflammatory food. To prepare a compress, we will use green cabbage.

We will place the leaves for a few minutes in boiling water, then we will knead them to extract their juice and we will place this juice directly on the sore knee.

Cover the site with canvas and then with plastic-coated paper (or some plastic). Leave on for 30 minutes or more.

massage oils

According to your knee temperature, prepare a therapeutic home oil or another that can be applied daily to provide warmth or cool the area:

  • If there is a reddish inflammation and the skin is hot: 50 ml of almond oil + 15 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • If there is pain and the skin is cold: sesame oil or olive oil + 15 drops of ginger essential oil.

St. John’s Wort Oil

A very therapeutic oil that we can prepare ourselves is St. John’s wort oil, which has the property of improving circulation (it is also useful for impacts, burns, scars, etc.) and which, in addition, works as a natural antidepressant.

Place fresh herb flowers in olive oil and let stand for 30 days outdoors. The oil will take on a reddish color, we will apply it two or three times a day on the knee, massaging gently.

Arnica treatment

Arnica is possibly one of the best known knee pain remedies among athletes and people who suffer from inflammatory conditions.  This is due to its wide use in natural medicine and homeopathy and its anti-inflammatory power. This plant can be found in cream or gel at health food stores and pharmacies.

There is a homeopathic remedy on the market that can be combined with arnica cream, called Arnica Montana 9 CH. The ideal amount to consume is 3 balls under the tongue, three times a day, separated from meals, drinks and strong, minty flavors.

knee pain meds

Did you like any of these remedies for knee pain? Be sure to give it a try if you are experiencing pain or discomfort.

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