Cucumber Water: A Detoxifying, Diuretic And Slimming Drink

Cucumber is one of the most consumed vegetables in the world, valued for its refreshing and smooth taste, but, above all, for the large amount of nutrients it provides to the body.
Cucumber water: a detoxifying, diuretic and slimming drink

For some years, it has also been included in detoxifying green juices, which help the body to stay healthy and fight aging, as well as being very good for refreshing on hot days. In addition, cucumber water, a cheap and easy-to-prepare drink that also helps us lose weight with health.

And it is precisely the cucumber water that this article is about. We will teach you the recipe and benefits of this drink.

What are the nutritional properties of cucumbers?

Cucumber is estimated to be 95% water. A cup of unpeeled raw cucumber can contain the following nutrients and minerals:

  • 26 mg of calcium
  • 28 mg of phosphorus
  • 1.2 mg of iron
  • 6 mg of sodium
  • 168 mg of potassium
  • 13 mg of magnesium
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin E

Main benefits of cucumber


The main benefits of cucumber have to do with the health and beauty of the skin. Its high water content, added to the presence of vitamin C and E, makes it one of the best allies to take care of the skin and prevent premature aging.

Contains essential oils and antioxidants that help to hydrate the skin and reduce the impact of free radicals on the body. It acts as a good remedy against sunburn, skin rashes and problems caused by excessive oil.

Cucumbers also contain an anti-inflammatory flavonol called fisetin, which works positively on brain health by preventing memory loss and protecting cells from age-related deterioration.

In addition, thanks to its high water and vitamin content, frequent cucumber consumption helps to detoxify and eliminate fluid from the body, which is ideal for slimming diets.

Why drink cucumber water?

Cucumber water for digestion

Knowing that cucumber has such important nutrients for the body, it was created an easy, cheap and healthy way to consume it without losing much of its properties.

It is the popular “cucumber water”, a refreshing drink that is helping hundreds of people to lose weight and clean the accumulated toxins in the body. What are your benefits?

Why drink cucumber water?

It’s alkalizing

Consuming cucumber water on a regular basis can help balance the body’s pH, decreasing acidity and preventing the malfunction of its main systems.  In addition, an alkaline body can gain more muscle mass and destroy harmful fats.


Every day, the body must work to eliminate the toxins that build up as a result of improper diet, sedentary lifestyle and exposure to a polluted environment.

The overload of tasks prevents its proper functioning and causes the appearance of chronic and degenerative diseases. Consuming cucumber water, you can give an “extra help” to the body, so that he can eliminate all the waste naturally.

Has diuretic action

Fluid retention is a disorder that directly influences weight gain and other inflammatory diseases.

Cucumber, as a source of water and nutrients, has a diuretic effect that improves the functioning of the metabolism to regulate body fluids.

In addition, cucumber is almost calorie-free and contains fiber, giving the body a feeling of fullness without adding even an ounce of fat to your measurements.

How to prepare cucumber water

cucumber water

As with almost all natural drinks, preparation is quite easy. However, its effects depend on the constancy of who consumes it. Chia is rich in iron and protein, making it an important addition to make this recipe even healthier and more nutritious.

But, you can prepare this water with just the cucumber and lemon or, if you prefer, include ginger, for a more energetic drink.


  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 ½ liter of water
  • ½ lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of chia seeds

How to make:

  • First, wash thoroughly, peel and cut the cucumber into several pieces. Put in a blender with the other ingredients.
  • Then, beat everything for two minutes, until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Finally, drink without straining.

Finally, one last tip: if you prefer, strain the drink and include some ice cubes, to make it more refreshing. But then it will lose a lot of its fibers. And they are what are good for the stomach and intestines, in addition to fighting constipation.

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