Delayed Menstruation: Possible Causes And Natural Treatments

Did you know that your bowel health can influence your menstrual cycles? Intestinal inflammation directly affects the ovaries, so we must regulate our transit to avoid problems.
Delayed menstruation: possible causes and natural treatments

Some women suffer from amenorrhea, that is, delayed or lack of menstruation. Whenever pregnancy, menopause and possible pathologies are ruled out by the gynecologist, it is advisable to treat this disorder as soon as possible, and doing it with natural medicines is a good option.

In this article, we’ll look at possible causes and natural treatments for an irregular menstrual cycle.

Possible causes of delayed menstruation

polycystic ovary syndrome

The main cause of pathological amenorrhea is polycystic ovary syndrome. What happens is menstruation delayed for months at a time, a condition that affects many women and many of them are unaware of the diagnosis. Usually this problem is accompanied by other symptoms such as  excessive hair growth, acne, menstrual pain, weight gain and fertility problems.

The most effective remedy for treating this condition is wild pepper or Vitex Agnus Castus, a medicinal plant traditionally used to prevent irregular menstruation and restore ovulation in women suffering from amenorrhea.

It is especially effective to take wild pepper when polycystic ovary syndrome is accompanied by low levels of progesterone and prolactin. It is recommended 200 mg per day of the extract for three or four months to assess the results.

The wild pepper plant can help with delayed menstruation

hormonal changes

There are natural remedies that can help us generally treat all kinds of hormonal disorders. In this article, we will highlight one of the most effective: maca , an Andean root highly recommended for women’s health.

This root can be administered in tablets or powder. In the case of the powder version, it is interesting because we can better control the dosage we take, since it is recommended to start the treatment with the minimum amount and gradually increase it, due to its energetic power that, in some cases, it causes nervousness.

As a shock treatment, 6-9 grams can be taken daily. The maintenance dose is three grams per day (approximately one small, shallow scoop).

intestinal congestion

In some situations where amenorrhea has no apparent cause, and there is no history of hormonal disturbance, we must also analyze our intestinal health, which is very important since, if there were cases of the intestine showing inflammation, consequently, the ovaries are directly affected.

We recommend the natural treatment of the intestinal disorder and it is recommended to wait a period of one month to check the regularity of the menstrual cycle.

You should follow a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains , nuts, adding some foods, especially natural laxatives such as flaxseeds and plums.

Flaxseed can help treat delayed menstruation

emotional tension

When we have exhausted the previous causes, and still do not find the reason for our disorder, we must consider the emotional and nervous issues, which can have a great impact on our body. If we are going through a bad time for family, professional or other reasons, and we suffer from some stress symptoms such as insomnia, poor digestion, anxiety or irritability, it is recommended to take a natural supplement with relaxing properties, as shown below:

  • Balm
  • Martyrdom
  • tila
  • Valerian

We can also take Bach flowers, which are very helpful and can help alleviate any emotional problems in a natural way.

Chamomile is a natural treatment for delayed menstruation

Natural treatments for delayed menstruation

chamomile tea

Chamomile infusions are an ancient and economical remedy for the treatment of amenorrhea and menstrual failure. Three cups a day for a month is recommended. Very beneficial also for menstrual pain.

the parsley

Parsley contains many health properties and is very rich in minerals such as iron, as well as promoting normal menstruation. The best way to benefit from its properties is to consume it raw daily, adding it to our recipes.

There is even a famous parsley-based Arabic salad. If we cut the parsley very thin we can season all kinds of salads, we can even include it in sauces.

Finally, we can also incorporate it as an ingredient in the famous green vitamins that are beneficial to the liver, an organ that is directly related to menstruation, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, as it is a blood purifier. For this reason, if we take care of our liver, we also balance menstruation.

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