Delicious Potatoes Stuffed With Shrimp

The shrimp stuffed potatoes are an exquisite delicacy and incredibly easy to prepare. Make a note of this homemade recipe so you can vary your menu.
Delicious potatoes stuffed with shrimp

Potato is a tuber that is unmatched in flavor. It is one of many favorite foods. Likewise, shrimp accompanies the most exquisite delicacies and has an incomparable flavor. Now imagine combining these two ingredients to create delicious shrimp stuffed potatoes.

The shrimp stuffed potatoes are a delicious preparation that you could eat every day. Of course, if varying your diet wasn’t so important.

Shrimp properties

Before we start, what do you think about taking a look at the properties of shrimp? Shrimp is a crustacean that, in terms of food, we classify as seafood. It is a food with a high content of iodine, vitamin B12, vitamin E, selenium, proteins and water.

  • First, iodine promotes the proper functioning of muscle and nervous tissue.
  • Also, the vitamin B12 content is beneficial for heart, brain and nerve function.
  • Furthermore, the vitamin E in this food gives it antioxidant properties. These properties help protect the immune system, nervous system and muscular system.
  • Finally, its selenium content protects against cardiovascular disease and helps boost the immune system. 
Stuffing for potatoes stuffed with shrimp

Recipe for making potatoes stuffed with shrimp


  • 2 large potatoes (Rusett)
  • 3 tablespoons of oil (45 ml)
  • 12 fresh, peeled shrimp (4 whole and 8 chopped into 1.5 cm pieces)
  • 1 teaspoon of cajun seasoning (5 ml)
  • ¾ cup of sour cream (180 ml)
  • 1 cup grated cheddar cheese (112 g)
  • ¼ cup of chopped chives (60 g)

Preparation mode

You will find that once you have the ingredients, preparation will be very easy. This is the best point of this homemade recipe; just a few simple steps to get an exquisite taste.

Potatoes for potatoes stuffed with shrimp

First steps

  1. First, preheat the oven to 220 °C and use aluminum foil to cover a baking sheet.
  2. Then wash the potatoes thoroughly until the dirt is completely removed. Keep in mind that in these stuffed potatoes, the skin is retained.
  3. Afterwards, cover the potatoes with 1 tablespoon of oil, place them on the baking sheet you lined with aluminum foil, and bake for 60 minutes or until tender.
  4. As soon as you see that the potatoes in the oven are tender enough, remove them and allow them to cool.
  5. In the meantime, continue preparing the filling. Place 2 tablespoons of oil in a pan and heat over medium heat.
  6. On the other hand, when the oil is hot, pour in the shrimp and cook on both sides (about two minutes on each side).
  7. Finally, season with the Cajun seasoning and cook for another minute. Reserve.

Also check out: Shrimp roll: check out the recipe!

preparation of potatoes

  1. At this point, you will prepare the potato for the filling. Cut the two potatoes in half, empty them with the help of a spoon and place the stuffing in a bowl. Leave a thin layer of potato.
  2. Also, add butter, cheddar cheese, sour cream and chives in the bowl where you put the potato and mix well. If necessary, lightly mash to remove large pieces of potato.
  3. In addition, add the chopped shrimp and mix again until incorporated.
  4. Afterwards, fill the potatoes with the mixture you just made and place them in the oven.
  5. On the other hand, bake for about 10 or 15 minutes and remove them from the oven when you notice they are lightly browned.
  6. Finally, serve immediately while the food is still fresh.

That’s it, you’ve just prepared your potatoes with shrimp stuffing. As you can see, the steps are very simple. Now let’s look at some tips.

Some advices

In short, in this recipe, the use of Rusett potatoes is suggested because they are bigger and of better quality.  If you can’t find them, you can use regular potatoes, but try to get big potatoes.

Now, tell us what you think of this delicious recipe for stuffed shrimp potatoes. Surely you will find a special seasoning.

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