Discover The Importance Of Expressing Emotions

Expressing emotions in time will not only benefit you personally, but your relationships as well. Today we will explain why. 

Certainly nobody taught you to express emotions at the right time.  It’s natural. Since little ones, we are asked not to cry, to please others, to hug them or give an unwilling smile.

They educate us to repress emotions and what, as children, came out so naturally and easily, now becomes something that costs us a lot to release, express and release. It’s frustrating and causes us far more damage than you might think.

Expressing emotions in time to avoid rancor

expressing emotions is good

So what is the consequence of not expressing emotions in time? Well, the main one is rancor. When we don’t say what we think, when we keep quiet about something that bothers us; in the end, we accumulate everything inside us, until we end up exploding.

Even if we don’t notice, someday we will explode. This is because the emotions that need to get out of us get stuck. We can, in fact, start to somatize them and become very susceptible to everything.

Imagine an example: a co-worker is always chewing gum, and that bothers us. Then he sits beside us and, as much as we try to ignore him; it keeps making noise with its mouth and the gum.

To avoid the hassle, there are several things to do. Of course, whenever possible. See some of them below and test them to see if you can put them into practice:

  • Change places: We  can go somewhere else, if allowed, or change places with someone else.
  • Asking the colleague to change places:  this can make the other person angry or upset. However, we must do it with good manners.
  • Asking you to stop doing what you’re doing:  maybe you haven’t realized it’s bothering you; maybe you don’t mind not doing it.

That way, it’s all a matter of expressing emotions in time. If not, at some point, the other person may be surprised by our cry of “Stop chewing the damn gum!” She won’t understand and probably won’t take it well.

Improve your relationships with others

Expressing emotions in time will improve your relationships with others. That’s because you won’t explode and you’ll know how to say what bothers you politely, without hassles and on time; what is most important.

This is also known as assertiveness. What is assertiveness? The ability to express needs and be clear with others. Although it is believed that this is not always good, the truth is that others are grateful.

The more transparent the relationships and the clearer and more frank we are with each other, everything will flow better. If we don’t express ourselves, if we don’t say what bothers us, we are “lying” in some way. Because, in that way, we are enduring something that we are not tolerating.

Will avoid somatizing emotions

Expressing emotions avoids somatizing them

Expressing emotions in time will help to avoid somatizing them.  This means that when we repress an emotion for a long period of time, our body eventually starts to “scream” for us to release it.

A person suffering from chronic stress may experience hair loss. Someone who is sad for a long period of time may have constant headaches for no reason. If we look a little deeper, it’s possible that stomachaches, for example, are the result of an unexpressed emotion.

So, from now on, don’t delay the act of saying what you think or feel. Because, in the end, everything that has been kept for so long, ends up coming out in some form or another.

Expressing emotions in time will give you the advantage of being able to choose how you want to behave and express yourself. For if you wait for your emotions to overflow and explode, your reaction will be as unexpected to yourself as it is to others.

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