Do You Feel Cold And Swelling In Your Extremities? Control Them With Medicine For Circulation

Swelling in the extremities is more common in the lower part of the body, but we can alleviate it by including food and anti-inflammatory activities in our daily lives.

A feeling of cold in the feet, hands and legs is a clear sign of circulatory system problems. It is usually accompanied by swelling in the extremities, which can get worse as the days go by.

Circulatory problems are more common in middle-aged and elderly people, as stiffness in the arteries increases over the years.

However, these problems can also develop due to increased cholesterol levels, poor diet and sedentary lifestyle.

Because of the discomfort that swelling in the extremities causes and the risks it entails, it is important to adopt measures that allow you to stabilize it in a natural way.

With that in mind, today we want to reveal a series of home remedies whose properties improve blood flow so that it can be transported without problems.

Hydrotherapy against cold and swelling in the extremities


Hydrotherapy consists of massaging the affected areas with strong jets of hot and cold water.

This technique activates circulation almost immediately and significantly reduces inflammation and pain.

What you should do?

  • Warm the water to a temperature that is tolerable for the skin and apply jets of water to the swollen extremities.
  • Then immediately move to the jets of cold or, preferably, ice water (whenever you can stand it).
  • Perform the same action alternately for 5 minutes.

cayenne pepper

The active compound in  cayenne pepper, capsaicin,  stimulates the functioning of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems  and lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

By including it in the diet, the risks of arteriosclerosis, heart attack or stroke are reduced.

Last but not least, it is a good complement against varicose veins and feeling cold and swelling in the extremities.

What you should do?

  • Buy powdered cayenne pepper and add it to your smoothies, soups and other recipes.
  • You can also use it as a base to prepare homemade ointments or creams.

leg lift


This simple activity is one of the best therapies for stimulating circulation in your legs. It is suitable for reducing fatigue, relieving tension and reducing inflammation caused by circulatory problems.

What you should do?

  • After your workday is over, lie down on the bed and lift your legs towards the ceiling.
  • Stay in this position for 3 or 5 minutes and then rest.

Ginkgo biloba infusion

The ginkgo biloba plant has active compounds that dilate blood vessels and restore elasticity to arterial walls.

Consumption of its infusion improves blood flow,  lowers blood pressure and prevents the formation of varicose veins.


  • 1 tablespoon of ginkgo biloba (10 g)
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml)

What you should do?

  • Put a tablespoon of ginkgo biloba in a cup of boiling water and let it stand for 10 minutes.
  • After this time, strain and consume the liquid.
  • You can take the infusion up to twice a day.

Red wine

Red wine-against-swelling-at-the-ends

The good habit of drinking a glass of red wine a day is an excellent way to maintain good circulation.

Resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant derived from grapes, cleans artery walls and keeps them elastic to promote proper blood flow.

What you should do?

  • Have a glass of red wine with your main meal of the day. You should not exceed this amount as this can be harmful.

Omega 3

Omega 3 nutritional supplements have several important health effects on the cardiovascular system.

These essential fatty acids clean the veins, lower cholesterol levels and control inflammation to reduce heart risk .

Although omega 3 can be found in the form of pills and medications, the best way to get it is through food.

What you should do?

You should include in your diet foods such as:

  • Anchovies
  • Olive oil
  • Avocado
  • Oilseeds
  • Flax seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • pumpkin seeds

Walk for swelling in the extremities

The feeling of tension and pain in the extremities make us think that the best medicine is rest.

Even though with rest we may feel a slight sense of relief, the fact is that eventually this can make the problem worse.

Low-impact physical activity stimulates  blood flow  and promotes de-inflammation for complete and effective relief.

What you should do?

  • Walk for at least 30 minutes a day and make sure you are well hydrated.

Take each of the remedies mentioned here into consideration and reduce the feeling of heaviness and cold in your extremities.

While these sensations at first glance seem normal, not controlling them at the right time can cause a problem that requires more care.

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