Feta Cheese: Everything You Need To Know

Have you ever heard of feta cheese? This dairy from Greece can do a lot for our health. Know its benefits and learn how to consume it below.
Feta cheese: everything you need to know

Feta cheese is a dairy product from the Greek culture that, little by little, spread to the rest of the countries thanks to its versatility and properties. It is a food sold in brine, which increases its shelf life.

It should be noted that it is made with sheep’s milk, although it is also possible to purchase varieties whose main ingredient is mare’s milk. It is characterized by having a sour taste  and a high percentage of fat in relation to total calories. In addition, it is usually sold in wooden boxes or aluminum cans, which retain its organoleptic qualities.

Nutritional properties of feta cheese

Like all dairy products, feta cheese stands out, in the first place, for its protein content, according to current scientific literature. They are nutrients of high biological value, which contain all the essential amino acids and are easy to digest.

Protein intake is essential to prevent pathologies associated with aging and muscle tissue degeneration. A review published in the journal  Nutrients indicates that protein consumption delays and prevents the destruction of lean tissue and loss of functionality.

As if that wasn’t enough, feta cheese contains a high proportion of saturated fatty acids in its composition. Until recently, this would have been considered bad news. However, science has changed its position on the subject.

Saturated lipids are no longer considered harmful. Currently, the benefits of its consumption are recognized, as there is sufficient evidence to affirm that the contribution of these fatty acids reduces cardiovascular risk, as well as the incidence of other complex diseases.

seasoned feta cheese
Feta cheese originates from Greece and is a dairy product with a high protein content.

Micronutrients present in feta cheese

The macronutrient content of feta cheese is important and representative, but it also contains beneficial minerals and vitamins. An example is calcium.

Intake of dairy products has been shown to reduce the risk of osteoporosis due to their calcium content. Feta cheese, therefore, would be no exception in relation to this mineral.

Also, it contains a significant dose of vitamin D  in its composition. This nutrient is essential for the maintenance of good health, as well as for the prevention of complex cardiovascular and metabolic pathologies.

Even some cancers have a better prognosis when the body’s vitamin D levels are adequate. Its influence on oncological skin pathology is well known.

Paradoxically,  this vitamin is one of the most deficient nutrients in the general population. To ensure your daily intake, it is advisable to consume dairy products (such as feta cheese), oily fish and eggs. Furthermore, frequent exposure to the sun is recommended to stimulate its endogenous synthesis.


We’re going to introduce you to two simple feta cheese recipes so you can start introducing this food into your eating routine.

in the oven

Feta cheese can be baked in the oven, similar to provolone. With a simple combination of spices, such as oregano, thyme, pepper and a little olive oil, we have already managed to assemble the dish.

All that remains is to bake for 8 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius, with heat coming from above and below. When removing the dish, it is recommended to season it again with a little oil.


Salads are a great option for introducing feta cheese as an ingredient. Just cut the cheese into small squares and add it to your favorite vegetable combination.

Season with oil and vinegar for a tasty and nutritious salad. If you want to raise the protein content of the dish even more, consider adding canned tuna.

Salad with feta cheese
The presence of feta cheese in salads provides a different texture that contrasts with vegetable ingredients.

Benefits of Feta Cheese

As you’ve seen, feta cheese is a healthy dairy product that can be consumed regularly. Its protein, fat and micronutrient content makes it a food capable of meeting daily nutritional needs and preventing the onset of diseases.

Also, it can be prepared in different ways. You can make it the star of the dish, but you can also use it as an accompaniment to add a sour touch to some meals.

Anyway, don’t hesitate to include it in your feed from now on. You will not regret!

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