Flaxseed Remedy For Constipation

Instead of abusing chemical laxatives, by including flaxseeds in our diet we get a good amount of fiber that will help optimize intestinal transit and fight constipation. 
Flaxseed Medicine for Constipation

Find out about a flaxseed remedy for constipation, a health disorder that we don’t usually give due importance to.

We must know that if we do not evacuate properly, in the long run  we may suffer from chronic and degenerative diseases. For this reason, we must start as soon as possible to regulate the intestinal transit with food and natural remedies.

Find out in this article how you can treat constipation with this natural flaxseed remedy. These seeds facilitate evacuation and regulate bowel function,  whatever the disorder suffered.

Try it and you’ll notice its positive effects in less than a week.

Constipation Risks


Constipation is an intestinal disorder that causes difficulties in evacuating stools, which are scarce or hard. There are factors that influence this problem, such as stress or sedentary lifestyle.

However, the essential issue is based on the diet, which is often low in fiber and rich in refined and processed foods. 

In addition to being an uncomfortable and even distressing problem, suffering it frequently can lead, in the long term, to more serious health problems:

  • abdominal swelling
  • Hiatus hernia
  • Headaches
  • Hemorrhoids
  • anal fissures
  • Fecaloma (accumulation and compaction of stool in the intestine)
  • ischemic colitis
  • Diverticulitis
  • gastric cancer
  • Colorectal cancer

In addition, constipation also hinders the absorption of nutrients, which can lead to deficits, even though we follow a balanced diet. On the other hand, bacterial flora is related to the immune system. In this sense,  an intestine that does not work properly leads to a drop in immunity.

How to treat constipation?

The problem with laxatives

Laxatives for constipation

Laxatives are the quick and effective solution for many constipated people.

The problem is that most chemical laxatives, and even some natural ones,  also cause intestinal irritation and damage to the bacterial flora. This, in the long run, further aggravates the condition that we suffer.

A laxative can be used very punctually, but  we should avoid taking them as a regular remedy  to facilitate evacuation. The key to solving the problem is a good diet and the use of natural remedies that favor traffic.

a good diet

To improve bowel function without having to take laxatives,  our diet must be healthy and balanced. It must contain, in good amounts, the following foods:

  • Fruits and vegetables, raw and cooked
  • Whole grains such as rice, oats, millet or quinoa
  • Vegetables
  • Oilseeds
  • seeds
  • mushrooms
  • Algae

When we propose to improve our diet and start to increase our consumption of these foods, we must know that we will be eating a lot of fiber. For this reason, at the same time we must  also increase our water intake, as otherwise we would make constipation worse.

  • We should drink two liters of water a day, apart from meals.

Flaxseed Medicine for Constipation

Flax seeds


To prepare this remedy we will only need these ingredients:

  • 1 scoop of golden or brown flaxseeds (10 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 mL)

: It is important to emphasize that for this remedy to be effective,  the flaxseeds must be raw and whole. Milled seeds have other very healthy purposes, but they are not focused on treating constipation.

Also, keep them away from light and heat so they don’t oxidize.

How to prepare?

To take the natural treatment, follow these steps every day:

  • The night before bedtime, soak the seeds in a glass of water.
  • Overnight, the seeds will release mucilage, a slimy-looking fiber.
  • In the morning, upon waking up, drink the glass with water and seeds.
  • We should do it on an empty stomach, at least half an hour before consuming any food.
  • Throughout the day, outside of meals, as we have already indicated, we should drink a lot of water to facilitate fiber digestion.

If you want to enhance the treatment, you can add three prunes to the water.

This fruit is very high in fiber and also works as an excellent medicine to improve intestinal transit. In addition, it has a high content of minerals to strengthen teeth and bones.

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