Flexion Exercise Variations To Avoid Wrist Pain

Wrist pain is a problem arising from exercises in which loads and transitions are localized, such as in the flexion exercise. However, there are variations of this exercise that help to avoid the problem.
Flexion Exercise Variations to Avoid Wrist Pain

Flexion is an exercise that can strongly affect the wrists. Damage can be even greater when the body is unable to move. Consequently, annoyances appear that delay any kind of progress. However, a solution to this problem may be variations of the bending exercise.

The basic exercise consists of lying on your stomach, supporting your palms and your toes on the floor. The hands should be positioned so that the distance between them is greater than the distance between the shoulders.

Once positioned, you must perform the descending movement, without touching your chest to the ground, and then ascend to the starting position. There are several changes to the movement.

You should learn the differences between wrist pain caused by incorrect movement, injury or arthritis, among others. So, if it’s a serious problem, you shouldn’t change your position, but see a doctor.

Long term consequences

The biggest long-term consequences of doing push-ups with pain are tendon damage and inflammation. If the problem is not treated in a timely manner, it can become chronic.

Also, continuing to perform this type of exercise in the presence of wrist discomfort can cause permanent irritation to the joint. Finally, another problem arising from not taking adequate measures is carpal tunnel syndrome, caused by excessive compression of the median nerve.

position variation

One way to make variations of the push-up exercise to avoid wrist pain is to change positions during the exercise. In this sense, some posture alternatives are as follows.

standing bending

Standing push-ups are effective in reducing the load on the wrists. They allow for a gradual adaptation of all the muscles involved before you move on to an exercise with a higher level of demand.

To perform the standing push-ups, you must do the following:

  • Position yourself six inches from a smooth wall.
  • Place both palms on the wall so that the distance between them is greater than the distance between your shoulders.
  • Bend your elbows to bring your chest closer to the wall.
  • Return to starting position without losing momentum generated.
  • Do two sets of 10 reps each.
Find out about flexion variations to avoid wrist pain

Modified bench flexion

To perform modified bench bending, you can use a bench or a wall, or place any stable object about 40 centimeters off the floor. This will reduce the tilt of the body so that the wrists are not subjected to maximum strain.

To perform this exercise, follow the steps below:

  • Position yourself in front of a horizontal bench.
  • Place both palms on the edge of the bench so that the distance between them is greater than the distance between your shoulders.
  • Without moving your hands, straighten your legs. The feet should be shoulder-width apart.
  • Bend your elbows to lower your chest until your chest is a few inches from the bench.
  • Hold for 2 seconds.
  • Raise your chest to the starting position.
  • Do two sets of 8 reps each.

Bending with static support

This is one of the most interesting variations of the flexion exercise, as it reduces the exercise requirement with increasing repositioning times. To do this, you will need two bending support bars or, failing that, dumbbells.

To perform this exercise, you must do the following:

  • Position the bars more than shoulder-width apart.
  • With each hand on a barbell, extend your legs and stand only on your toes.
  • Bend your elbows to lower your chest to the top of the bars.
  • Keep the position for 5 seconds.
  • Raise your body to return to the starting position.
  • Do two sets of 8 reps each.

Flexion Exercise Variations

It may be that you are not prepared to withstand the wear and tear that crunches entail. Therefore, the best way for you to continue training is to vary the way you perform this exercise. In this way, you will strengthen the muscles involved in the flexion exercise so that you can do it more safely later.

Breastplate with TRX

To perform this exercise, you will need a TRX system. One of its benefits is that the tension the muscles exert can be adjusted comfortably. To do it, you must do the following:

  • Position your feet so that the distance between them is equal to the distance between your shoulders.
  • With each hand on a handle, stretch your arms forward.
  • Bring your body forward in the characteristic movement of the slump exercise and open your arms to form a 90-degree angle with your torso.
  • Return to starting position.
  • Do two sets of 10 reps.

Launch slam ball

This is a simple exercise that consists of throwing a slam ball into a wall with a regular surface – so that the ball bounces off in the best possible way. To do it, you must do the following:

  • Position yourself facing a wall approximately two feet apart. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Hit the ball hard towards the wall from the chest.
  • Grab the ball’s rebound, letting your body support the load.
  • Make 8-10 pitches.
Know some variations of push-ups to avoid wrist pain


The plank exercise works all the muscles involved in the basic flexion exercises. The only difference is that the plank exercise does not affect the wrists.

To perform the board exercise, follow the steps below:

  • Position yourself facedown on the floor with your legs straight, using your forearms and toes for support.
  • Contract the entire central part of the body.
  • Hold the position between 25 and 30 seconds.
  • Repeat 5-10 times as your body responds.

Tips for Relieving Wrist Pain

In addition to performing flexing variations to avoid wrist pain, you can follow the tips below to make the discomfort more bearable until it goes away.

  • Stretch daily.
  • Soak your wrists in warm water.
  • Rest your wrists in an elevated position.
  • Take an anti-inflammatory medicine.
  • Alternate between hot and cold therapies.

Correct Techniques for Flexion Exercise Variations

Flexion variations are a great alternative in cases of painful wrists. However, to overcome this discomfort, you must pay attention to the correct technique when performing the strengthening of the muscles of the forearm and the mobility work through flexion-extensions.

If it takes a long time for you to recover from the pain in your wrists, you should see a doctor for a complete evaluation of the problem.

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