Food For Chronic Illnesses

Chronic illnesses are difficult to manage, but diet can help if we follow some basic guidelines. Find out all the details below!
Food in cases of chronic diseases

Chronic diseases are characterized by not having a cure, lasting over time. In many cases, their pathophysiology, the causes that cause them and possible treatments are unknown. This is not to say that there are no ways to alleviate symptoms. In fact, food can be a great ally in cases of chronic diseases.

The purpose of eating in these situations is to reduce levels of inflammation, oxidative stress and pain. A number of foods rich in phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals should be chosen as a priority. In addition, it is worth emphasizing the need to restrict the consumption of foods capable of promoting inflammatory processes.

Anti-inflammatory nutrition in cases of chronic diseases

One of the nutrients that is particularly relevant in the dietary treatment of chronic diseases is the omega 3 fatty acid.  This type of lipid is able to reduce the organism’s inflammation markers, while improving the individual’s lipid profile, as stated by one article published in the journal  Biochemical Society Transactions.

These fats can be found in oily fish, raw vegetable oils, seeds and avocados. Its consumption must be regular to guarantee the modulating effect of these nutrients on inflammatory feedback mechanisms.

Omega 3 Sources
Omega 3 sources act as regulators of inflammation in the body.

Phytonutrients against pain in the face of chronic diseases

Other compounds capable of influencing the management of chronic diseases are phytonutrients. These are organic substances present especially in vegetables.

They have the ability to modulate inflammation and reduce oxidative stress. This is indicated by a study published in the journal  Oxidative Medicine and Cellullar Longevity.  Phytochemicals are able to reduce cell damage  and therefore prevent aging.

In addition, they affect some physiological pathways that are responsible for modulating pain and nervous system sensitivity. For this reason, they are of particular importance in the management of chronic diseases. It is essential to include plant foods frequently in the diet.

Supplements that may be helpful

An example of a supplement is melatonin. This hormone is responsible for modulating circadian sleep cycles and increasing the quality of rest. It has a remarkable antioxidant character and is related to the prevention of metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases. It is even capable of relieving pain in chronic pathologies such as fibromyalgia, although high doses need to be used for this purpose.

Another example is probiotics. The health of the microbiota is related to protection against the development of chronic and complex diseases. To minimize the risk of intestinal dysbiosis, it is possible to use probiotic and prebiotic supplements. This improves the diversity of flora and, with it, the health status.

healthy microbiota
Care in the composition of the microbiota is essential for the management of complex diseases, especially gastrointestinal diseases.

Improve nutrition to manage cases of chronic diseases

Chronic pathologies cannot be cured, but it is possible to manage them from a pharmacological and dietary point of view. To do this, it is essential to emphasize the intake of foods with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capacity.  These products are capable of influencing pain perception and reducing cell damage.

On the other hand, it is possible to resort to the use of food supplements. Some of them, such as melatonin or probiotics, reduce risk and regulate aggressive symptoms of chronicity, such as pain.

However, it is necessary to choose the product correctly. Before consuming any supplement or complement, it is recommended to consult a specialist, so that he can confirm the need for its ingestion and explain the correct way to carry it out.

Remember that a varied and healthy diet, along with regular exercise, is the best way to prevent disease from developing. A healthy lifestyle is the key to a balanced existence.

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