Foods That Help Burn Fat

Find out what are the best foods for those looking to burn fat, we hope you include them in your diet and achieve the desired result.
Foods That Help Burn Fat

Currently, many people are looking to lose weight and, above all, eliminate that excess fat in the body. If you are one of these people, the best thing to do is  to exercise and take care of your food.

Kale, great to help burn fat

Kale is not only one of the most nutrient-dense foods, it also helps to suppress appetite and eliminate toxins from the body. Four cups of kale has 10 grams of fiber and also enough nutrients to detoxify the liver in 48 hours.

An easy idea to consume kale is in a raw kale salad with avocado, yellow peppers and cherry tomatoes, or enjoy a green juice that includes kale.


Broccoli’s sulforaphane phytonutrients stimulate a fat-burning enzyme and aid in detoxification. Eating broccoli is very simple, just sauté it with other vegetables or consume it with just a little cheese or cream.



They are small fruits that burn fat. They help to increase metabolism, it activates the thyroid hormone. They also bind to toxins that are stored in fat cells and help to eliminate cellulite.

Through activation of thyroid hormone, walnuts help increase metabolism.

Chia seeds

Packed with omega-3s, fiber and protein, these tiny seeds help reduce appetite, and activate glucagon, one of the hormones that help burn body fat.

The trick is to soak the chia seeds for 15 minutes so they swell up to 10 times their natural size. It is recommended to make some chia water with lemon.



Oysters are great allies during the diet. In addition to being low in calories, 6 oysters offer only 50 calories. They are the richest dietary source of zinc, which helps reduce appetite and nausea.


Coconut oil

Not all fats are the same. Coconut oil is preferably used by the body as a source of energy, which makes it impossible to store it as fat.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstrated greater loss of abdominal fat over a 16-week period when consuming coconut oil instead of olive oil.

Therefore, the ideal is to use coconut oil for cooking and olive oil for dressing salads.

Coconut Water

Chia – images provided by: brent.hofacker and HealthGauge.

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