Foods To Prevent Sagging

When it comes to fighting sagging, olives, walnuts, cucumbers and carrots are some of the foods that cannot be missing from the daily diet. 
Foods to prevent sagging

The areas most affected by sagging are the arms, abdomen and face. Although many women only try to take care of themselves when summer is approaching, it ‘s important to maintain a balanced diet to keep your skin in shape and healthy all year round. Find out below the best foods to prevent sagging.

Why does sagging appear?

She is a nightmare, along with cellulite. It seems like nothing we do works to eliminate it once and for all. Sagging is the loss of skin firmness. It is caused by the decrease or weakness of collagen and elastin (which protect tissues).

The most affected areas are usually the face (eyelids and jowls), arms, butt, thighs and abdomen.

Although there are different causes for flaccidity, the most common is the passage of time. Over the years, the proteins responsible for maintaining the skin’s firmness lose their effectiveness.

We can also indicate that obesity, abrupt weight loss, pregnancy and a low-protein diet accelerate this natural human process.

To delay the onset of flaccidity, it is important to take into account some daily habits. For example, we should maintain a healthy diet, exercise moderate to intense, avoid a sedentary lifestyle, and reduce exposure to the sun (which also promotes wrinkles and blemishes).

Foods to prevent sagging

Although we can count on a variety of treatments, such as toning creams, radiofrequency or electrostimulation (if we want to reduce the sagging of the arms, abdomen or legs), the truth is that there is no better alternative than exercising and eating healthy.

When it comes to fighting sagging, the foods that cannot be missing from your diet are:

1. Oilseeds


Almonds, hazelnuts and pistachios provide beneficial fatty acids that are responsible, among other things, for restoring skin tone and delaying cell oxidation. In turn, the nuts make the dermis more elastic and improve the results of physical training.

2. Citrus fruits

Orange and grapefruit are two fruits you should eat more often if you’re looking to reduce sagging. Citrus fruits bring a lot of vitamin C, which allows the production of collagen. They also have proteins that are needed for the skin not to wrinkle and be firmer.

3. cucumber


This rich vegetable is made up of 96% water, so it hydrates the body if we don’t like drinking “pure” water too much.  In addition, cucumber provides enzymes to take care of blood vessels and tissues.

Of course, you can use it externally through a mask, which will not only reduce sagging but also provide hydration to the dermis. Just cut a sliced ​​cucumber and apply it to your face for 15 minutes.

4. Carrot

The flaccidity of the face is visible from 45 years of age onwards. However, it can appear sooner if, for example, we expose ourselves too much to the sun. One way to reverse this situation is to consume raw carrots. This rich orange vegetable has a lot of beta-carotene, a nutrient that promotes collagen and elastin production.

You can also enjoy its benefits by preparing a natural mask, as this is one of the best foods to prevent sagging.


  • 1 carrot
  • ½ cup of water (125 grams)


  • Peel the carrot and grate it or cut into small cubes.
  • Place in blender cup with water.
  • Mix well to obtain a homogeneous (non-liquid) paste.
  • Wash your face with neutral soap and apply the mask.
  • Leave on for 15 minutes and remove with warm water.
  • Apply a moisturizing cream when finished.

5. Olives


This is a very nutritious food that provides omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, has the ability to repair tissue and improve dermis health. Vitamin A in olives helps to reduce sagging.

6. Olive oil

Since we are talking about olives, olive oil could not be missing from this list of foods to prevent sagging.

The consumption of this “liquid gold” favors not only general health, but also aesthetics. It contributes good quality fatty acids that favor cell and tissue regeneration, delaying aging. You can use it with all your meals to enjoy its delicious taste.

7. Apples


The rind of this fruit has ursulcholic acid, which is involved in muscle growth, tissue repair and the formation of collagen and elastin. Therefore, the apple is a great ally against sagging.

Try to eat it raw and in the skin. It has almost no calories, is satiating and has a lot of water. Ideal if you are dieting or have food anxiety.

8. Legumes

Don’t hesitate to add lentils, chickpeas or beans to your diet.  All of these legumes provide iron, minerals and folic acid. If you are exercising your muscles, these sagging-preventing foods will give you more strength and endurance to complete the training. In addition, they will also help in the recovery of the worked areas.

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