Gastritis, Natural Remedies For Its Treatment

Rice water, rich in minerals and vitamins, is a traditional remedy to treat gastritis
Gastritis, natural remedies for its treatment

Gastritis … Have you ever suffered from it? Then you know how painful it can be and the problems it can cause in our daily lives. Stomach inflammation, irritation, burning. Very acute symptoms that may take a long time to appear.

How can we treat her? The doctor is always the best person to prescribe the most appropriate treatment. We, at home, can supplement it with natural remedies, ways that can be cost-effective and effective. Want to know what it’s about?

Parsley to relieve gastritis

Parsley based treatment is very effective in solving gastritis problems. A remedy as old as it is simple, it is worth putting into practice during the days when the discomfort is stronger.

Namely, parsley has all these wonderful properties:

  • It is a natural source rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, K
  • Parsley is an excellent diuretic, very suitable for its digestive properties.
  • Soothes stomach burning, inflammation and gas. Offers a great rest for the entire digestive and intestinal tract.

To get the benefits of parsley, nothing better than preparing an infusion. Like? It’s very easy, follow these steps:

  • First, make a drink with 150 grams of parsley and a liter of water.
  • Once the mixture is made, let it rest for two hours.
  • After this time, strain the water and put it in a glass bottle, and leave it in a place where the sun does not shine.
  • Finally, drink the medicine throughout the day and at room temperature. The water must be neither cold nor hot.
Rice water to alleviate gastritis

Rice water is another very traditional remedy for treating gastritis. Surely you’ve heard of her at some point.

It not only reduces inflammation, pain and gas, but also the uncomfortable pressure in the abdomen. We must also not forget that rice water is very rich in minerals and vitamins.

So how do we prepare it? Very easy. Just put a liter of water to boil and add 150 grams of rice. Let it cook normally, then separate the water from the rice. In short, it’s what you’ll drink throughout the day, always at room temperature. Easy, isn’t it?

Carrot juice for gastritis

Do you know the secret of these wonderful vegetables? Both carrots and celery act as two excellent anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, they reduce the burning sensation in the stomach walls, reduce the sensation of bloating; as well as offering various minerals and vitamins.

If you’ve ever suffered from gastritis, you can remember the lack of appetite, nausea, and feeling weak. Therefore, this natural juice will act as a great remedy. To benefit from all your properties, follow these steps:

  • First, get two carrots and two sprigs of celery.
  • Clean them well and take them to a blender with a glass of water (250 ml).
  • Beat until you get a smooth juice and drink it at lunch or dinner. It’s delicious.
Juice apple with chamomile

You are likely to be surprised by this combination. It is a truly medicinal remedy that is worth trying whenever you are suffering from gastritis. Want to know why?

  • Apple infusion relaxes the stomach, calms acidity, deflates the abdomen and improves gastritis.
  • An apple infusion helps to treat any case of infection.
  • This remedy is very suitable for, for example, nausea.

To prepare this simple homemade treat, you’ll need a raw apple, peeled and cut into pieces. Then bring to a boil a glass of water (250 ml). When it comes to a boil, add the apple and a chamomile tea bag.

Allow to boil several times. The apple needs to cook for at least 20 minutes. Once the infusion is ready, let it sit to reduce the temperature. Strain the contents and keep only the water. Drink at room temperature in the morning. It’s delicious!

Pear vitamin with ginger

It is possible that you have already tasted the classic combination of pear and ginger. It’s a perfect candy for any dessert. Delicious and healthy. Furthermore, when treating gastritis, it also acts as a simple and effective remedy. See why:

  • Combining pear with ginger allows you to treat both inflammation and pain. You already know that ginger acts as a natural pain reliever: it is a medicinal plant capable of relieving stomach pain.
  • Pear is a suitable fruit to eat when we have gastritis. Rich in minerals and vitamins, it is very easy to digest. Provides fiber and also helps us to deflate.
  • To carry out this simple treatment, make a preparation very similar to the previous option.
    Peel and cut the pear and place it with 300 ml of water to cook. Also add 20 grams of ginger. Then let it cook and then blend the mixture in a blender. When you get a very homogeneous juice, drink it little by little. It’s ideal for dinner.

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