Green Asparagus Gazpacho: Tasty Recipe!

Green asparagus gazpacho is not only a delicious and different recipe, but it is also very suitable for purifying the organism, due to the diuretic properties of its main ingredient.
Green asparagus gazpacho: tasty recipe!

The great thing about vegetarian recipes is that they give us the opportunity to make the most of the ingredients. Furthermore, these are also a challenge to the imagination when cooking. For this reason, today you will learn how to make a green asparagus gazpacho at home.

As you are reading, the usual gazpacho, but with the best of asparagus, which contribute an unexpected benefit to your body, and are cleansing. And, if that’s not enough, they also help you lose those extra pounds.

What’s more, as a cold cream, green asparagus gazpacho is excellent to be consumed as a light lunch, but loaded with protein. This is due, in large part, to the elements present in the recipe; especially the broth, which contains many vitamins and few calories.

Secret of the delicious taste of this gazpacho

Now what makes this preparation special? Simply because you can have it ready in a few minutes, and it’s as traditional as bread. It should be noted that if you are outside Spanish territory, you may find this a little strange (and it is normal), but this dish is typical of that country.

Sometimes it is usually accompanied by slices of bread, and is eaten at room temperature. Hence the term “cold cream”, or “cold soup”. The fact is, because it’s so delicious, no matter where you’re reading it, you’ll find pleasure in every bite you taste.

Likewise, this dish doesn’t have many complications, and you can easily have it ready in less than 30 minutes. It is very simple to make, and makes a nutritious and delicious contribution to your health. However, there is a marked difference from the traditional Andalusian gazpacho. That is, this version is an adaptation for people who practice vegetarianism. There are some substantial changes from the original:

  • This recipe does not use tomatoes.
  • It also does not include cucumbers, or peppers of any kind.

You can also add a few pieces of bread, or whatever you prefer, that suits your culinary ethic and culture. However, what remains is the flavor of the ingredients, which make this green asparagus gazpacho so special and healthy.

Green asparagus gazpacho recipe

Why asparagus? What do they provide for health?

Green asparagus for gazpacho recipe

Asparagus belongs to the group of plants called “herbaceous”, therefore they are a vegetable. But don’t get confused: it’s not just any kind of vegetable or vegetable. In fact, the specific grade you will use for this recipe is well known, and it has important implications for the health of the body.

Wild asparagus are the tomato substitutes in this preparation, as they help your body to clear accumulated impurities. At the same time, they allow the flavor of the vegetable not to interfere with the broth or other ingredients.


Ingredients for green asparagus gazpacho recipe
  • 1 handful of green asparagus (180 g)
  • 1 boiled egg
  • 2 skinless garlic cloves
  • 1 tablespoon of white wine (15 ml)
  • 2 cups of filtered water (500 ml)
  • 1 large potato, or 2 medium (180 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (30 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of sherry vinegar (30 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of sea salt (15 g)


  1. Start by cleaning the asparagus very well. Remember that sometimes they are full of dirt, and you should remove as much of it as possible.
  2. After that, you will cut them up and set them aside. Do not discard the ends.
  3. Then add a few drops of oil to a pan and, when hot, sauté the asparagus a little until it releases the aroma.
  4. After having passed through the pan, take them to a blender, and add the garlic, wine, and water.
  5. Process for a few minutes, until you get a more or less homogeneous cream. Pass through a sieve, and there you will notice the fibers of the asparagus.
  6. Then add the hard-boiled egg yolk , along with the sherry vinegar and salt, and beat again. This time, you will gradually add the tablespoons of oil. After that, store in the refrigerator.
  7. After that, peel and cut the potatoes and pass them through the skillet to fry them. Once fried, add the ends of the asparagus you saved, and fry them too.
  8. Finally, cut the egg whites to combine it into a garnish, which you can accompany with the green asparagus gazpacho.


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