Hair Care Before Bedtime

Did you know that, like skin, hair also needs to be exfoliated to remove dead cells? In order not to damage it, it is recommended not to repeat the process more than once a week.

Most of us worry about taking care of our hair during the day, as we want it to look fabulous. But we should know that night time is best for this. Check out some care you should have with your hair before bed.

What is ignored is that, despite the care, the hours of the day are the ones that most expose the hair to the most different factors that can weaken and damage it.

Hair care before bedtime is the best way to neutralize possible damage or changes, as it allows you to provide them with nutrition and repair.

There are several treatments and recommendations that can help to clean it before bed, in order to take advantage of the rest hours for its regeneration.

Advantages of night treatments

Generally, at night, we have a beauty routine that includes body relaxation and skin care.

However, we rarely worry about the hair, as we believe that its care must be performed at some point of the day.

The truth is, taking care of your hair before bed  has many advantages for your beauty that are worth considering:

  • Applying treatments to your hair before bed will make the ingredients work during your rest hours.
  • It’s a great option for those who don’t have enough time to take care of their hair during the day, as the next morning the tresses will look splendid.
  • Eliminates the impurities absorbed during the day and leaves you clean and silky.
  • Helps repair damage to prevent problems such as dropping, drying and split ends.

What can night treatments provide to hair?

During the night, the hair fiber has the ability to better absorb nutrients for the hair and, therefore, it is an excellent time to treat it.

moisturizing mask

Avocado moisturizing mask for hair care before bed

The hydrating mask is a great hair care option before bed . After exposure to dust and molecules that pollute the air, there’s nothing better than a good mask to nourish and repair your hair.


  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil (25 g)
  • 1 ripe avocado

What you should do?

  • First, mash the pulp of a ripe avocado.
  • Mix with a tablespoon of coconut oil to form a paste.
  • Moisten the entire hair and then apply the treatment, leaving it to act for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water and wait a couple of hours before bed.

natural exfoliant

Like the skin, the scalp and hair needs a good scrub to remove dead cells and all impurities that have accumulated.

Although this treatment should not be done every day, it is good to keep this in mind, at least once a week.


  • 2 tablespoons of brown sugar (28 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (25 g)
  • 3 drops of vanilla extract

What you should do?

  • Prepare a mixture with the ingredients.
  • Apply it all over your hair with a gentle massage to ensure the nutrients penetrate well.
  • Wash your hair and let it dry for a while before bed.

Serums or sprays

Hair Care Seruns Before Bedtime

These types of products are generally available on the market. There are several brands, with different packages and at different prices.

However, at home, you can also make your own spray using the amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar.


  • 6 tablespoons organic apple cider vinegar (60 ml)
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml)
  • 1 spray bottle

What you should do?

  • Dilute apple cider vinegar in half a cup of water and then pour into sprayer.
  • Spray the mixture all over your hair before bed and let it sit overnight.

Other hair care before bedtime

Hair care before bedtime

  • Before applying any treatment or product, be sure to untangle all the hair well to facilitate its oxygenation.
  • In the case of using fatty products, the best thing to do is to avoid applying them directly to the scalp, as they can cause discomfort in the morning.
  • You should avoid going to bed with wet hair because it makes it tangle and eventually become more brittle.
  • A good option to avoid tangling overnight is to secure it gently, for example with a loose braid.
  • In order not to wet the pillow after performing the treatment, a good option is to cover it with a towel so that it absorbs water. Avoid curling your hair as it can be very uncomfortable to sleep in and it can also leave a bad smell.

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