Heart Disease Doesn’t Just Affect The Heart

Let’s not forget that heart disease can affect the entire cardiovascular system and eventually produce even fatal complications.
Heart disease doesn't just affect the heart

The Society of Vascular Surgery of Chicago (United States) explains that  heart disease is commonly linked to arteriosclerosis.

So heart disease doesn’t just affect the heart. They can affect, for example, the legs, feet, kidneys and even the brain.

In addition,  there is a progressive advance as plaque builds up in the arteries. All of this will result in “peripheral arterial disease” (EAP).

When arteries are blocked, it is increasingly difficult for blood containing oxygen to circulate throughout our bodies.

heart disease and peripheral arterial disease

These peripheral arterial diseases occur when cardiac pathology affects the feet and legs.

When the blood doesn’t reach the extremities, the feet develop a kind of wound that doesn’t heal. Thus, even in the most severe cases there may be a risk of amputation.

Of all heart diseases, EAP is one of the most widespread in the United States.

  • Patients who experience pain while walking need to talk to their doctor and perform a non-invasive test.
  • This way, blood pressure will be measured in the ankles and other complications can be prevented.

Good habits to prevent heart disease

Cigarette brings heart problems

The best way to keep your arteries and veins in a healthy state is to consider some health guidelines.

  • The first thing is to know the indicators themselves, namely blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Factors that can favor the development of these diseases are, for example:

  • tobacco
  • the stress
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • A diet rich in fats, proteins, and carbohydrates

In turn,  the regular practice of physical activity is one of the best preventive measures.

It is important that those suffering from vascular diseases are treated by specialists. The specialist will assess the risk factors of the case and provide the patient with the treatment.

  • If non-invasive treatments are not effective, the next step is to unblock the blood vessels.
  • Open procedures will be used, based on shunts from blocked arteries.

Heart and cardiovascular diseases

circulation in the heart

Although both types of pathology can be confused, it is true that they involve different areas of our body.

  • The  heart diseases occur due to problems in the  circuit of blood vessels.

As we know, the heart is a strong muscle that works like a pump. Therefore, it continually pumps blood through the circulatory system, with a continuous flow to all parts of the body.

Illnesses and heart and blood vessel problems do not happen suddenly.

Over time, the arteries that carry blood to the heart and brain can become clogged, especially because of the buildup of cholesterol and fat.

Thus, by decreasing the blood flow to the heart by blockages in the arteries, heart attacks originate.

  • Insufficient blood flow to the brain, caused by a blood clot or hemorrhage, causes a stroke.

heart disease in women

woman with heart pain

There are  women  who think heart disease is a male problem. But, the reality is that  these diseases seriously affect women.

Types of heart and cardiovascular diseases


This disease occurs because the arteries are becoming thinner and hardened.

As we age it is normal to have some hardening of the arteries. However, a person suffering from atherosclerosis has the inner walls of the arteries narrower due to the formation of plaque.

Brugada Syndrome

It is a disease of genetic origin.

It is caused by changes in genes that direct the formation of cardiac proteins, which regulate the passage of ions across the cell membrane (ion channels).

Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

This bleeding disorder occurs when  platelets in our immune system are destroyed.

These platelets are essential for normal blood clotting.

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