Home Remedies For Ringworm In The Nails

People who are in constant contact with water are more likely to have fungus. The chance is also greater for people over 60 who have diabetes or a weak immune system.
Home Remedies for Nail Ringworm

Nail ringworm is more common on the toes. But it can also appear in the hands. In addition to being unsightly and not looking good, you need to treat it so that you enjoy perfect health.

If you have yellowish, greenish or brownish nails, don’t hesitate to take a look at these home remedies to eliminate ringworm.

Nail ringworm characteristics

In medical terms, it is called onychomycosis, but they are popularly called “nail mycosis”.

It is something very common, especially in men, on the toes. However, they can also appear on the hands. In this case, women are the most affected.

If only one nail is infected by ringworm, it can spread to the other nails without problems, but always from the same limb. That is, between the nails of the same foot or the same hand.

But they can also be passed from one hand to the other or from one foot to the other. However, the occasions on which ringworm from the feet are transferred to the hands are very rare.

Ringworm is usually caused by factors related to the environment, such as humidity and high temperatures, wearing closed shoes for many hours during the day, spending a lot of time in the pool, etc.

This disease tends to affect people who spend a lot of time in contact with water, washing dishes, cleaning the house, adults over 60 who suffer from diabetes, circulatory problems or who have a weakened immune system.

From the moment the ringworm reaches the nail, it becomes thicker and starts to turn yellow. In some cases, it acquires shades of grey, green, brown and black.

As the infection progresses, it will start to invade other parts of the nail, which will peel off and may even fall off. Under the nail, the skin will become red, swollen, and itchy.

In the specific case of ringworm on the fingernails, they will become yellow or brown, cracked, brittle and weak. They will not have enough strength to grow and may even fall off, causing the same effects on the skin as ringworm on the feet.

Recommendations to prevent the proliferation of nail mycosis

These tips are for foot mycoses:

  • Do not wear shoes that are too tight or made of synthetic materials. Fungi “love” humid, dark and poorly ventilated environments, because that’s where they can multiply.
    • During the winter, it is good to be careful not to keep your socks wet or damp for too long. Prohibited materials are those that do not allow the feet to “breathe”, such as plastic, for example.
    • Leather shoes are the most recommended. As far as possible, they should have some open area (mainly over the fingers);
  • Avoid walking barefoot in public places such as gym restrooms, locker rooms, showers or swimming pools. However, if you do, wash and dry your feet immediately before putting on your shoes.
  • Do not use other people’s nail clippers or nail clippers, such as in a beauty salon or among your own family. Always bring your own material and do not share it with anyone.
    • If you have ringworm on one nail, don’t use the same instrument to take care of the others. This way you will avoid the transmission of ringworm to healthy nails. Also, try to cut your nails straight and regularly;
for ringworm in the nails
  • Wear socks that are 100% cotton so they absorb moisture from your feet. If they are wet by rain, for example, change them as soon as possible and powder your feet.

In case of ringworm on the hands:

  • Wear waterproof gloves when washing dishes, clothes or floors. That is, any activity that requires contact with water;
  • Do not use other people’s nail file or clipper. Always take your own material and avoid using the same instrument on the nail with ringworm and on the other nails;
  • Don’t bite your nails.
  • To avoid contagion, do not share towels and tissues with others either.
for ringworm in the nails

Home Remedies for Nail Ringworm

  • Mix a small tablespoon of olive oil with 3 drops of tea tree oil and apply directly to the nail for 20 days alternately. That is, every other day;
  • Dip the nail in the juice of several lemons or pass the lemon directly over the nail;
  • Mix a small spoon of olive oil  with 3 drops of oregano essential oil and apply every day on the affected nail, for three consecutive weeks;
  • Mix 1/2 cup castor oil with 7 drops of lemon in a container. Soak your feet in this mixture. Do this for six consecutive weeks. Always wash and dry your feet after the process;
for ringworm in the nails
  • Boil 5 cloves of garlic in a glass of water. Pour preparation into a container. When the liquid is warm, place your feet keeping your nails submerged. Leave to act for at least 15 minutes and dry well. Repeat this process for four weeks;
  • Mix baking soda with water until it forms a paste. Use a cotton pad to apply over the entire nail and, if possible, also underneath (so that it comes into contact with the skin). Leave to act for a few minutes and then dry well.
  • Bring to a boil 2 cups of water with 3 tablespoons of thyme for 5 minutes. Turn off the heat, cover the pan and let it cool. Then place the preparation soaked in cotton on the ringworm nail.

Images provided by Quinn Dombrowski, Randen Pederson, Rohonda, adrian 8_8, Toshiyuki IMAI

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