Home Treatment To Reduce Dark Circles

Dark circles are a common sign of fatigue, but they can also indicate respiratory problems, high caffeine consumption and, of course, lack of stress control.
Home treatment to reduce dark circles

Although dark circles can appear for a variety of reasons, the good news is that there are home treatments that can help to mask them and even make them disappear completely. So, below, we’ll share some tricks to be put into practice to alleviate dark circles.

Treatment to reduce dark circles

1. Clean your face

Get rid of impurities to reduce dark circles

Before starting the treatment, it  is necessary to wash your face with fresh water and appropriate soap. This way, oily residues and other toxins will be eliminated. In addition, this will provide rest and freshness so that you will experience immediate relief.

2. Put a damp cloth over your eyes

Place a damp cloth in the refrigerator for a few minutes. Don’t let it freeze, just cool it down to put it directly on your forehead and eyes before you go to sleep. This is an alternative version of the gel mask.

In total,  the cool cloth should be left over the eyes for about 5 to 6 minutes. Then rest for about 10 minutes and place the cool cloth over your eyes. Repeating this action every night before bedtime can help to reduce dark circles, producing decongestion and rest in the eye area.

3. Apply tea bags or infusion

Apply tea bags or infusion to reduce dark circles

Prepare the tea or infusion of your choice and, once cool, drain the bag lightly and place it under your eyes for about 20 minutes. Be careful, they should be at room temperature or warm. Once the time has elapsed, it is necessary to rinse the face to remove the tea residue.

In particular,  chamomile infusions are ideal for dark circles as they decongest and deflate, significantly reducing bags under the eyes. After using it, you will also notice a very pleasant feeling of calm.

4. Apply cucumber slices to smooth dark circles

This is a very famous trick and cannot be missing in facial beauty treatments to reduce dark circles. It is only necessary to cut a few slices of fresh cucumber and then cut them in half. You should place them under each eye while resting.

5. Massage with coconut oil

Coconut helps to reduce dark circles

Finally, mix a tablespoon of coconut oil with a tablespoon of almond oil and gently massage under the eyes. Leave on for twenty minutes. This action will not only help to alleviate dark circles and moisturize the skin of the eyes, but it will also favor the growth of eyelashes.

What if the dark circles don’t ease?

If, despite following these treatments, dark circles do not ease up, then it means your body is screaming for you to get some rest, so we will give you some additional recommendations that you should follow so that your eyes can be spared from the horrible dark color that surrounds them. .

As a first step,  you should try to rest for at least seven to eight hours a day, this is one of the best ways to get rid of dark circles. Also, you should use a good moisturizer every day that is special for the eye contour. This way the skin area will look great.

Try to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, as well as beverages containing caffeine, as these further emphasize dark circles. Do your best to maintain a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.

Exercise and drink at least two liters of water a day; this will be the best you can do not just for your eyes, alleviating dark circles, but for your whole body.

Conclusion on reducing dark circles

Dark circles may be more or less apparent depending on the case. However, the truth is, most women don’t like them. In addition to the solution that makeup can offer when it comes to disguising them, what you really want is to reduce them as much as possible.

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