Homemade Vitamins That Can Help Improve Memory

Almonds and walnuts have the necessary minerals to provide excellent nutrition for our brain, and that is why they are essential in our diet.

The health of our memory is closely related to our proper nutrition and nutrition. In today’s article, we’ll talk about some homemade vitamins that can help improve memory.

There are many studies that assess the need our brain has for certain natural components, which allow it to exercise and be able to mature over the years without losing the capacity of its memory and concentration, but for that, our diet is as important as the lifestyle we lead.

We know, for example, that all children who do not receive adequate nutrition can appear to be up to three years younger than their real age, that a diet that prioritizes saturated fat increases the production of some amyloid proteins that promote the onset of Alzheimer’s.

Thus, it is essential to pay attention to what foods we consume daily.

Thus, we will prioritize those whose composition is essential to favor the proper functioning of neurons and we will add to this usual practices, in which curiosity, interest in learning and in starting new projects are always present.

What foods are bad for memory?

  • Saturated fats and fatty acids: directly affect our vascular and brain health. It’s important to take this into account;
  • Refined sugar: causes states of nervousness and hyperactivity, which do not contribute anything to the functioning of memory and concentration;
  • Alcohol: very seriously damages our nervous system; we cannot concentrate and fail to produce neuronal connections that are fundamental for memorization;
  • Proteins: mainly those derived from red meats and cured cheeses; they produce tryptophan and serotonin, negatively exciting the nervous system.

Tips to help improve memory and brain

  • Never forget to have breakfast. Cases of hypoglycemia, for example, are very harmful to our concentration; we need to start the day by ingesting basic nutrients, which will provide the energy needed for our brain to function,;
  • Practice sports and light physical activities ;
  • Rest, sleep at least eight hours a day. Our brain needs tranquility and rest to memorize our experiences, memories, etc.

Some vitamins to help improve memory

help improve memory

Next, we’ll present recipes for three excellent nutritious and energy vitamins.

You can take whichever you prefer once or twice a week and see how fatigue will subside and the brain, even if we don’t immediately realize it, will thank you for this nutritious help that will help it perform its functions better.

Apple, carrot and almond smoothies to help improve memory

It is a natural remedy to fight tiredness, recover energy and strengthen our brain. Apples provide us with fiber, vitamins E and C, in addition to being refreshing and moisturizing.

In turn, carrots, in addition to vitamins A, B and C, have numerous beneficial minerals for our brain, such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, etc. And it cleanses our blood and gives us energy.

Almonds and walnuts are essential for our brain, as they have enough minerals to provide us with excellent nutrition.


  • 2 apples;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 3 walnuts;
  • 3 almonds.


  • Wash the fruits and peel the walnuts and almonds;
  • Place the apples and carrots in a blender, along with the oilseeds (almonds and walnuts). Beat at maximum intensity so that everything is finely ground and homogeneous;
  • Serve the smoothie in glasses. The flavor is unsurpassed if taken right after being whipped.

Strawberry Vitamin Oat to Help Improve Memory

Oats, in addition to having a relaxing alkaloid in their composition, has vitamin B1, which is excellent for combating mental fatigue and giving us energy.

With regard to strawberry, besides being tasty, it is a perfect natural antioxidant to nourish and keep our brain in excellent condition.


  • 3 strawberries;
  • 1/2 glass of water;
  • 1 cup of skimmed milk;
  • 2 spoons of honey.


It is very simple to prepare this vitamin. Place strawberries, milk and oats in a blender. Beat well so that the mixture is uniform; you’ll soon notice the beautiful pink hue of this thick milky oat mixture. When you finish, when you add the milk, you’ll notice how tasty the vitamin is and the energy it gives.

We must clarify that, due to the fact that it takes a high amount of sugar in its preparation, this shake is not suitable for diabetics.

Coconut and banana vitamins to help improve memory

Excellent for promoting learning and memory: it is rich in fiber, calcium, potassium, iron, vitamins A, C and E.


  • 1 cup of skimmed milk;
  • 5 almonds;
  • Half ripe banana;
  • 1/7 coconut cut into small pieces, without shell.


  • Peel the banana and place it in a blender, along with the grated coconut.
  • Add milk and almonds.
  • Put everything in a blender and blend on high speed.
  • Serve in the glass and, if you like, add a touch of cinnamon on top. If you drink it immediately after preparation, you will notice all the freshness and flavor characteristic of this vitamin. Your brain and memory will thank you.

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