How Should The Diet Of People With Gall Stones Be

It is very important to drink 2.5 to 3 liters of water a day and be strict with your diet in cases of gallstones. If you take medication and don’t correct your diet, it won’t solve the root of the problem.
How should the diet of those who have gallstones be

If you suffer from gallstones, you should follow a diet that consists mainly of low-fat foods, avoiding fried foods, oils and sausages. Instead, you will need to increase your consumption of water, fruits and vegetables.

All this care helps to reduce symptoms such as abdominal pain and other discomfort during crises, with food being a fundamental component. However, this should not replace medical treatment prescribed by your doctor,  which may include the use of certain medications to relieve symptoms.

What are gall stones?

Gall stones
Gallstones are hard formations that can block the bile ducts. Timely intervention can help prevent health complications.

The appearance of gallstones is a common problem. Gallstones are solid particles that form in the gallbladder caused by the crystallization of bile.

The gallbladder is a small organ that, along with the pancreas and liver, is responsible for producing digestive enzymes and bile to digest fats. Gallstones prevent the gallbladder from doing its job, preventing all food from being easily digested. 

Others believe that gallstones can be caused by poor eating habits. Excessive consumption of high-fat foods forces the liver to secrete more bile. Hence the importance of controlling what is consumed, both to prevent the appearance of stones and to alleviate their symptoms.

Diet for patients suffering from gall stones

It’s very important to drink 2.5 to 3 liters of water a day and be strict with your diet in cases of gallstones, because if you take medication and don’t correct the diet, it won’t solve the root of the problem.

Set a fixed time to have 5 or 6 meals a day , taking into account:

  • No more than 4 servings of fruit per day.
  • Three main meals and two/three snacks.
  • Don’t let more than an hour pass after waking up for breakfast.
  • Do not allow more than 4-5 hours to pass between meals.
  • If more than three hours pass from dinner to bedtime, have a snack (such as mid-morning).

allowed food

healthy food
Maintaining a balanced, healthy diet can help treat gallstones. It is important to limit your consumption of high-fat foods.

You should eat foods that are rich in water and have little or no fat content.

  • Fruits, except coconut, avocado and açaí.
  • Vegetables in general, especially cooked ones, as they facilitate digestion.
  • Whole grains such as rice, pasta and whole grain bread.
  • Low-fat cooked or grilled meats such as skinless chicken, fish and turkey.
  • Water and fruit juices.

In addition to consuming these foods, it  is important to make them grilled or steamed because these are ways that do not add fat to the food.

Food not allowed

Prohibited foods are foods high in fat, such as:

  • Whole milk, cottage cheese and yogurt
  • Yellow cheeses like Parmesan
  • Butter  and any other animal fat
  • Fatty meats such as ribs, sausage, duck or goose meat
  • Viscera such  as liver, heart, kidneys or guts
  • Oilseeds such as walnuts, chestnuts, almonds, peanuts
  • Others : chocolate, biscuits, puff pastry, meat broth, ready-to-eat sauces, mayonnaise
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Sugary products
  • Carbonated beverages (soft drinks and aerated drinks)

Why is it important to limit your fat intake?

Bile is a substance produced by the gallbladder. Its function is to mix with fats in the intestine to help them be absorbed; therefore, if swallowed,  the gallbladder will be stimulated to release bile, and this will cause even more pain and discomfort.

It is important to remember that  people with gallbladder stones should consult a nutritionist to design an individual nutritional plan according to their needs. It is also important to seek out a specialist in the digestive system to recommend the treatment to be followed.

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