How To Cure Nasal Polyps With 5 Homemade Solutions

If the nasal polyps do not show improvement with these natural remedies, it is good to consult the specialist to examine us and offer us an adequate treatment for our case.
How To Cure Nasal Polyps With 5 Homemade Solutions

Constant or chronic allergies, infectious processes in the respiratory tract, and certain inflammation of the nasal mucosa can cause illnesses such as nasal polyps. Usually, treatment for this condition involves the use of steroid medications or surgery, but here we offer five home remedies to treat it.

What are nasal polyps?

Nasal polyps are fluid-filled lumps that usually grow near the sinuses and nasal passages. These formations look like small grapes inside the nostrils, and usually don’t produce pain, although they can be uncomfortable when the person has allergic symptoms.

These polyps can vary in size. Thus, although in many cases they do not pose a serious problem for the patient, at other times it is even necessary to remove them by surgery. Therefore, you must resolve this issue in time.

Nasal polyps can be detected with a visual examination.

Polyps usually grow in the sinuses and press on them. For this reason , this disease is considered a variation of sinusitis, better known as polypoid sinusitis.

Causes of nasal polyps

The causes of nasal polyps have not been officially determined. However, according to the studies carried out, the following causes are those that seem most likely:

  • Serious Allergies That Were Not Properly Treated
  • Asthma
  • Prolonged Infections
  • Chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa
  • Alteration of blood vessels responsible for mucosal irrigation
  • Anatomical dysfunctions that put a lot of pressure on the nasal cavities
  • Aspirin sensitivity
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Allergic rhinitis

Symptoms and Treatment of Nasal Polyps

When nasal polyps are small, the patient usually has no symptoms, and may even ignore the presence of these formations. However, as polyps grow, they can cause blockages in the nasal passages and lead to infection. In many cases, when the nasal passages are blocked, the patient ends up breathing through the mouth.

Generally, the symptoms associated with this disease are:

  • Nasal congestion that can cause secretions (rhinorrhea)
  • Mild or moderate loss of smell
  • Mild or moderate loss of taste
  • Headache
  • Pain and pressure in the face and nasal area
  • cold symptoms
  • Snoring

To treat nasal polyps, allopathic medicine often uses injections and surgeries. The latter should only be performed when there is complete obstruction of one or both nostrils, and regular treatments do not cause improvement.

Before opting for surgery to remove nasal polyps, it is advisable to try other resources. There are natural remedies that work to reduce or stop the growth of these lumps, and here we bring you five of them.

5 homemade solutions for nasal polyps

Home remedies are generally a cost-effective and easily prepared option, and in many cases can effectively help in the treatment of various ailments.

1. Saline solution for nasal wash

A saline solution or salt water is very easily prepared, and helps to clear and decongest the nasal passages, removing allergens that can cause the appearance of nasal polyps.


  • 1 teaspoon of sea salt (5 g)
  • 1 cup of hot water (200 ml)

What you should do?

  • Mix the water with the salt until it dissolves.
  • Use an eyedropper or an empty bottle as a nasal spray.
  • Apply directly to the nostrils and inhale so that the liquid passes through the entire nasal cavity.
  • Repeat in each nostril about 3 times a day.

2. Radish and honey syrup

Radish is a root whose benefits in treating respiratory tract diseases are known. However, many people avoid it as it has a rather strong flavor. This remedy mixes radish with honey to help make it easier to consume and take advantage of its properties.

Cure nasal polyps with radish syrup and honey


  • 1 bunch of grated radish (200 g)
  • 1 cup of natural honey (250 ml)

What you should do?

  • Mix the radish with the honey.
  • Consume a teaspoon of this preparation in the morning and evening, until the mixture is finished.

Note: It is advisable to let radish aromas permeate your mouth before swallowing. This will help reduce nasal polyps.

3. Vitamin C

The consumption of citrus fruits, such as oranges, strawberries, grapefruits and lemons, strengthens the immune system thanks to the high content of vitamin C, helping to reduce nasal polyps. These fruits also contain bioflavonoids, which are important for the health of tissues such as the nasal mucosa and blood vessels.


  • Citrus fruits of your choice (oranges, lemons, tangerines).

What you should do?

  • Eat one or two citrus fruits a day, preferably whole, although it can also be in the form of low-sugar juice.

4. Steam inhalations

This vapor inhalation technique is often used when you need to clear the nasal passages and dilute mucus secretions. There are several ways to perform these inhalations, but the ingredients are the same as water and some medicinal plants are needed for this area.


  • Water
  • Mint or eucalyptus leaves

What you should do?

  • Boil the water in a pot, along with the mint or eucalyptus leaves.
  • Pour the preparation into a large bowl.
  • Cover your head and neck with a cloth and place your face above the bowl with the preparation.
  • It is recommended that the towel covers the head and basin to prevent steam escaping.
  • Take a deep breath to feel the steam in your nose, and continue this process until the water cools.
  • Preferably, do it for several nights, to promote night rest and reduce nasal polyps.

5. Tea tree oil

Thanks to its multiple antibacterial, antiviral, fungicidal, curative and anti-inflammatory properties, tea tree oil is an excellent home remedy to fight nasal polyps. It is very important to note that this oil should only be used topically, and preferably diluted, as it is also toxic.

To treat nasal polyps with this oil you can apply a little bit like this:


  • 5 drops of tea tree oil
  • 1 cup of warm water (250 ml)
  • cotton swabs

What you should do?

  • Add the tea tree oil drops to the warm water.
  • Dip a cotton swab into this mixture and run it over the polyps, or into the nasal passages if the lump is difficult to reach.
  • Another idea is to take steam inhalations with this same preparation to relieve congestion.

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