How To Detect Colon Cancer In Time?

The symptoms of colon cancer can be confused with those of other digestive diseases, so it is essential to consult a specialist as soon as we feel the first discomfort.

Colon cancer is one of the most diagnosed types of cancer in the world. It is a cancer that develops in the lower part of the digestive system, called the colon or rectum, usually over a period of 10 to 15 years.

It starts with a small bulge in the tissue covering the colon, which over time becomes cancerous.

Initially, this type of cancer is silent and does not present a concrete symptom that puts the person on alert. Therefore, the patient is at risk, as it may be too late when he learns about his condition.

Therefore, it is very important to have a medical checkup every now and then and check that everything is ok. One should also be alert in case the stool changes. This could be a first sign of this terrible disease.

Colon Cancer Warning Symptoms

One of the great disadvantages of colon cancer is that it does not have a specific symptom in the early stages. Thus, any small sign can be confused with another more common type of illness of the digestive system.

Therefore, it  is important to seek a doctor and/or a specialist in case of any digestive discomfort or the presence of blood or different colors in the stool.

Next, we’ll show you other warning symptoms you should be aware of to detect colon cancer early:

  • Bleeding in the rectum on defecation with bloodstains and/or a very dark color.
  • Bowel habits changes as your normal functioning to digest.
  • Pain in the lower part of the stomach.
  • Diarrhea, constipation or feeling that the bowels do not evacuate completely.
  • Faecal material too thick or less fluid than normal.
  • Severe abdominal cramps, bloating, feeling full and gassy.
  • Acute pictures of intestinal obstruction.
  • Chronic anemia due to iron deficiency due to occult and constant bleeding in the stool.
  • Constant tiredness and fatigue.
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss.
  • Fever and general malaise.

How to prevent colon cancer?

Preventing colon cancer is possible and each of us is responsible for it. Thus, there are different ways to prevent this disease and for this we must know how much we are exposed to developing it.


One of the ways to prevent this cancer is to consider the genetic background. Therefore, knowing if someone close to us has had this problem is vital to detecting possible colon cancer in time. Thus, the faster you identify, the more likely you are to find a treatment that will cure you.


When you feel that we have some symptoms of colon cancer, it is important to see a specialist doctor who will carry out the necessary tests and, if possible, a colonoscopy.

Also, if you are over 50 years of age, you are at greater risk of developing colon cancer, you should have medical checkups more often than a younger person.

Cutting alcohol and cigarettes

Stop drinking alcohol and cigarettes. These bad habits are major causes of colon cancer, according to a study by the World Organization for Cancer Research. 


Taking care of food is another way to prevent this type of cancer, and other types as well. Food has a lot to do with the development or cure of the disease. In the case of colon cancer, it is recommended to avoid red meat and opt for fish and chicken.

In addition, it is also recommended to consume whole grains, vegetables, whole flours, nuts, vegetables and foods rich in calcium such as milk (preferably vegetables).

Finally, it is good to consume foods rich in vitamin D and minerals.

Drink water

Drinking water is very good for your health and the body in general. Drinking plenty of water daily is also ideal for preventing cancer.

reduce candy

Reduce your consumption of sweets and sugars, especially if they are refined. As an option you can sweeten it with honey or brown sugar.

Sedentary lifestyle

Avoid falling into a sedentary lifestyle, as obese people tend to develop colon cancer and other types of illnesses more easily.

Finally, opt for healthy habits such as physical exercise, set aside at least 30 minutes, 4 times a week to practice some kind of sport. This is a good way to prevent cancer and maintain overall good health. 

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